A BDD (Java - Cucumber) framework is developed for the 1froge Rest API (https://1forge.com/forex-data-api)
- Java 1.8
- rest assured 3.3.0
- testng 6.11
- maven
- ... More details about the project dependencies can be found in the maven pom.xml file. All the code can be found in the path “src/test/java“.
• Feature File Package: Src/test/java/features
• Step Definitions Package: Src/test/java/stepdefinitions
• Test Runner Package: Src/test/java/cucumberOptions File: TestRunner.java
• Api Key In order to set the value for the Api Key, you need to fill the “ApiKey.properties“
• To run the test Run the following command in project directory
mvn test
If the test runs successfully it generates csv files in the root directory.