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add bulkband_plane_calc for Dirac cone plot
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quanshengwu committed Sep 20, 2017
1 parent 367c5e9 commit 4334b54
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183 changes: 176 additions & 7 deletions soc/ek_bulk2D.f90
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@@ -1,6 +1,175 @@
! calculate bulk's energy band using wannier TB method
! Copyright (c) 2010 QuanSheng Wu. All rights reserved.
subroutine ek_bulk2D
subroutine ek_bulk_plane
! Calculate bulk's energy band using wannier TB method for a given k plane
! Copyright (c) 2017 QuanSheng Wu. All rights reserved.
! Revised by QS.Wu on Sep 19 2017 @EPFL, Switzerland
! This subroutine is usefull for Dirac cone plot

use wmpi
use para

implicit none

integer :: ik, i, j, ib
integer :: knv3
integer :: ierr
integer :: nwann

integer :: nband_min
integer :: nband_max
integer :: nband_store

real(dp) :: time_start, time_end

real(Dp) :: k(3)
real(Dp) :: W(Num_wann)
real(dp) :: kxmin, kxmax, kymin, kymax
real(dp), allocatable :: kxy(:,:)
real(dp), allocatable :: kxy_shape(:,:)
real(dp), allocatable :: kxy_plane(:,:)

! Hamiltonian of bulk system
complex(Dp) :: Hamk_bulk(Num_wann,Num_wann)

! eigen value of H
real(dp), allocatable :: gap(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: gap_mpi(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: eigv(:,:)
real(dp), allocatable :: eigv_mpi(:,:)

nband_min= Numoccupied- 1
nband_max= Numoccupied+ 2
if (nband_min< 1) nband_min= 1
if (nband_max> Num_wann) nband_max= Num_wann
nband_store= nband_max- nband_min+ 1

knv3= nk1*Nk2
allocate( kxy(3, nk1*Nk2))
allocate( kxy_shape(3, nk1*Nk2))
allocate( kxy_plane(3, nk1*Nk2))

allocate( eigv (nband_store, knv3))
allocate( eigv_mpi(nband_store, knv3))
eigv = 0d0
eigv_mpi= 0d0


if (Nk1<2 .or. Nk2<2) stop 'ERROR: I refuse to do this job because you give me so small Nk1 and Nk2'
if (Numoccupied> Num_wann) stop 'ERROR: please set correct Numoccupied, it should be small than num_wann'

ik =0
do i= 1, Nk1
do j= 1, Nk2
ik =ik +1
kxy(:, ik)= K3D_start+ K3D_vec1*(i-1)/dble(Nk1-1)+ K3D_vec2*(j-1)/dble(Nk2-1) &
kxy_shape(:, ik)= kxy(1, ik)* Kua+ kxy(2, ik)* Kub+ kxy(3, ik)* Kuc
call rotate_k3_to_kplane(kxy_shape(:, ik), kxy_plane(:, ik))

time_start= 0d0
time_end= 0d0
do ik= 1+cpuid, knv3, num_cpu
if (cpuid==0.and. mod(ik/num_cpu, 500)==0) &
write(stdout, '(a, i12, a, i12, a, f10.2, a)') &
'ek_bulk_plane, ik ', ik, ' knv3',knv3, ' time left', &
(knv3-ik)*(time_end- time_start)/num_cpu, ' s'
call now(time_start)

k = kxy(:, ik)

! calculation bulk hamiltonian
Hamk_bulk= 0d0
call ham_bulk(k, Hamk_bulk)

!> diagonalization by call zheev in lapack
W= 0d0
call eigensystem_c( 'N', 'U', Num_wann ,Hamk_bulk, W)
eigv(:, ik)= W(nband_min:nband_max)

call now(time_end)
enddo ! ik

#if defined (MPI)
call mpi_allreduce(eigv,eigv_mpi,size(eigv),&
eigv_mpi= eigv

!> write out the data in gnuplot format
outfileindex= outfileindex+ 1
if (cpuid==0)then
open(unit=outfileindex, file='bulkek_plane.dat')
write(outfileindex, '(1000a19)')'# kx', 'ky', 'kz', 'k1', 'k2', &
'E(Numoccupied-1)', 'E(Numoccupied)' , 'E(Numoccupied+1)', 'E(Numoccupied+2)'
do ik=1, knv3
write(outfileindex, '(1000f19.9)')kxy_shape(:, ik), &
kxy_plane(:, ik), eigv_mpi(:, ik)
if (mod(ik, nk2)==0) write(outfileindex, *)' '

!> write out the data in gnuplot format
outfileindex= outfileindex+ 1
if (cpuid==0)then
open(unit=outfileindex, file='bulkek_plane-matlab.dat')
write(outfileindex, '(1000a19)')'% kx', 'ky', 'kz', 'k1', 'k2', &
'E(Numoccupied-1)', 'E(Numoccupied)' , 'E(Numoccupied+1)', 'E(Numoccupied+2)'
do ik=1, knv3
write(outfileindex, '(1000f19.9)')kxy_shape(:, ik), &
kxy_plane(:, ik), eigv_mpi(:, ik)

!> write out a script that can be used for gnuplot
outfileindex= outfileindex+ 1
if (cpuid==0)then
open(unit=outfileindex, file='bulkek_plane.gnu')
write(outfileindex, '(a)')"set encoding iso_8859_1"
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'#set terminal postscript enhanced color'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')"#set output 'bulkek_plane.eps'"
write(outfileindex, '(3a)')'set terminal png truecolor enhanced', &
' size 1920, 1680 font ",36"'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')"set output 'bulkek_plane.png'"
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'unset key'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set pm3d'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set origin 0.2, 0'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set size 0.8, 1'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set border lw 3'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'#set xtics font ",24"'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'#set ytics font ",24"'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set size ratio -1'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set xtics'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set ytics'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set view 80,60'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set xlabel "k_1"'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set ylabel "k_2"'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set zlabel "Energy (eV)" rotate by 90'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'unset colorbox'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set autoscale fix'
write(outfileindex, '(a)')'set pm3d interpolate 4,4'
write(outfileindex, '(2a)')"splot 'bulkek_plane.dat' u 4:5:8 w pm3d, \"
write(outfileindex, '(2a)')" 'bulkek_plane.dat' u 4:5:9 w pm3d"


endif ! cpuid

end subroutine ek_bulk_plane

subroutine ek_bulk2D_spin
! Calculate bulk's energy band using wannier TB method for a given k plane
! Copyright (c) 2010 QuanSheng Wu. All rights reserved.

use wmpi
use para
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,11 +323,11 @@ subroutine ek_bulk2D

end subroutine ek_bulk2D
end subroutine ek_bulk2D_spin

!> using green's function
subroutine ek_bulk2D_spin
subroutine ek_bulk2D_spin_green
!> using green's function

use wmpi
use para
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,4 +516,4 @@ subroutine ek_bulk2D_spin

end subroutine ek_bulk2D_spin
end subroutine ek_bulk2D_spin_green

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