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PCAN-M.2 CAN and CAN FD Interface for M.2 (PCIe)


Check: Are CAN drivers part of your Linux environment?

grep PEAK_ /boot/config-`uname -r`

Check: Is the CAN device initialized?

lsmod | grep ^peak

ls -l /dev/pcan*

How to install PCAN-View via repository

Download and install the following file peak-system.list from the PEAK-System website:

wget -q`lsb_release -cs`/peak-system.list -O- | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/peak-system.list

Then, download and install the PEAK-System public key for apt-secure, so that the repository is trusted:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Install pcanview-ncurses and other dependencies:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pcanview-ncurses
sudo apt-get install libpopt-dev

Install PCAN-M.2 Driver for Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) Driver installation:

cd && mkdir -p ~/src/peak && cd ~/src/peak
tar -xzf peak-linux-driver-8.12.0.tar.gz # Untar the compressed tarball file
cd peak-linux-driver-8.12.0/ 
sudo make -C driver install
make -C lib && sudo make -C lib install
make -C test && sudo make -C test install # test utilities (optional)
sudo modprobe pcan # driver loading

install PCAN-Basic Download:

cd PCAN-Basic_Linux-4.3.4/libpcanbasic/pcanbasic
make clean
sudo make install

Launch PCAN-View for testing CAN communication:


uninstall PCAN-M.2 Driver for Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)

cd ~/src/peak/peak-linux-driver-8.12.0/ 
sudo make uninstall
rmmod pcan
sudo reboot

export some more properties of the device

for f in /sys/class/pcan/pcanpcifd1/*; do [ -f $f ] && echo -n "`basename $f` = " && cat $f; done 

lspcan overview of the PC CAN interfaces. The "-i" option displays static properties of devices nodes. with –T –t –s –f refreshes the screen every second with a detailed view

./lspcan -T -t -i

test Directory (need make test and make install)

 pcanfdtst –-help

TX TEST (connecting to channels together. In this case CAN1 & CAN2)

(p36 .2 CAN Driver for Linux v8 User manual) Write CAN FD (non-ISO) frames with extended ID 0x123 and 24 data bytes at a nominal bitrate of 1 Mbit/s and data bitrate of 5 Mbit/s, using the 80 MHz clock of the 2nd PCIFD interface and the 1st PCI interface.

pcanfdtst tx --fd-non-iso -n 10 -ie 0x123 -l 24 -b 1M -d 5M -c 80M /dev/pcanpcifd1 


RX TEST (connecting to channels together. In this case CAN1 & CAN2)

(p37 .5 CAN Driver for Linux v8 User manual) Read the same bus, but from the 1st /dev/pcanpcifd1 interface:

pcanfdtst rx --fd-non-iso -b 1M -d 5M -c 80M /dev/pcanpcifd1


Pcanview timings and settings for communication with moteus r4.5 controller.


Mjbots have confirmed timings that are working with 80 MHz clock systems over SocketCan

This timings will not work out-of-the running Peak Basic API since they use a different format. SocketCan timings:

ip link set can0 up type can \
  tq 12 prop-seg 25 phase-seg1 25 phase-seg2 29 sjw 10 \
  dtq 12 dprop-seg 6 dphase-seg1 2 dphase-seg2 7 dsjw 12 \
  restart-ms 1000 fd on

PEAK converting timings help

f_clock_mhz = 80mhz (depending on device)
brp = 1
nom_Tseq1 = prop-seg + phase-seg1
nom_Tseq2 = phase-seg2
data_tseg1 = dprop-seg + dphase-seg1
data_tseg2 = dphase-seg2
nom_sjw = sjw
data_sjw  = dsjw
data_sjw = 1

With the help from above you will end up with someting like this:

nom_Tseq1 = 50
nom_Tseq2 = 29

First start Pcanview with (assuming you have it installed)


Select Pcan Channel (for example -CAN2 /dev/pcan1) and configure it with the following settings:

Clock Frequency (Hz) = 80000000
Bitrate (bps) Nominal = 1000000
Bitrate (bps) Data = 5000000
Sample point (x100) Nominal = 6375
Sample point (x100) Data = 5625
Sync Jump Width Nominal = 10
Sync Jump Width Data = 12

Test 1

To send a first test command to verify communication with moteus (Edit Transmit Message)

ID: (hex) = 8001
Len = 3
Data: (hex) = 42 01 20
Cycle Time: (ms) = 0
[x] Paused 
- Message Type select the follwing: 
[x] Extended Frame
[x] CAN FD
[x] Bit Rate Swtich
Press OK

Under the Tx CAN-ID you can see your created Messages. to send one. simply select one and press (space).

In the Rx CAN-ID. you should now get a respons from moteus under data table with the following:

41 01 00

Test 2

Create two new Transmit Messages. (Edit Transmit Message)

first messange: Set postion to 0 and turn on torque.

ID: (hex) = 8001
Len = 19
Data: (hex) = 01 00 0a 0e 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 1f 01 13 0d
Cycle Time: (ms) = 0
[x] Paused 
- Message Type select the follwing: 
[x] Extended Frame
[x] CAN FD
[x] Bit Rate Swtich
Press OK

Second messange: turn of torque

ID: (hex) = 8001
Len = 3
Data: (hex) = 01 00 00
Cycle Time: (ms) = 0
[x] Paused 
- Message Type select the follwing: 
[x] Extended Frame
[x] CAN FD
[x] Bit Rate Swtich
Press OK

Send first messange and you should here the motor has applied torque. RX respons:

21 00 00 2f 01 29 a3 1a 3d 33 e3 8a 3a 00 00 00 00 23 0d 32 1c 00 50 50

Send second messange stop applied torque. RX respons:


Can notes: SJW – abbreviation for Synchronization Jump Width – a quantity that determines how much a CAN controller is allowed to adjust its on-chip clock to run in sync with other nodes on the bus. A typical value would be some 10-20% of a bit.

improving performance (test section)

To start we are hitting a loop Frequency at around = 650[hz] for one motor out of the box with the PCAN-M.2 Four Channel. Yes. this is not a great speed! So lets improve it!

The pcan driver behavior can be configured to answer a bit quicker to the PCIe FD hw interrupts. Open the pcan.conf with sudo.

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/pcan.conf

Lowering these values should increase the responsiveness of the driver.

# pcan - automatic made entry, begin --------
# if required add options and remove comment
# options pcan type=isa,sp
options pcan fdirqtl=1
options pcan fdirqcl=1
install pcan modprobe --ignore-install pcan
# pcan - automatic made entry, end ----------

Save the file and run the follwing. (which unloads and then reloads the drive)

$ sudo rmmod pcan
$ sudo modprobe pcan

With this new conf we are hitting around 2489.53[hz]


  • fdirqcl defines the limit of pending frames above which the HW generates a hw interrupt, while
  • fdirqtl defines the time limit above which the HW generates a hw interrupt.

According to the manual (PAGE 11)

We can enable the driver the usage of MSI for the PCIe-based CAN FD cards. 1

Lets try it!

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/pcan.conf

add options pcan fdusemsi=1

# pcan - automatic made entry, begin --------
# if required add options and remove comment
# options pcan type=isa,sp
options pcan fdirqtl=1
options pcan fdirqcl=1
options pcan fdusemsi=1
install pcan modprobe --ignore-install pcan
# pcan - automatic made entry, end ----------

Save the file and run the follwing. (which unloads and then reloads the drive)

$ sudo rmmod pcan
$ sudo modprobe pcan

With this new config we are hitting around 3090.87[hz] You can play around with this settings to see what you get. for example options pcan fdusemsi=2

  1. Run via shell (not over GUI) Frequency = 3089.7[hz]
  2. Adjust data size. (12bit vs 32bit).
  3. Priority settings.
  4. Adjust CPU performance test.
  5. OS/Kernel optimization.
  6. Driver nonblocking vs blocking
  7. Run on isolated thread.

cpuset Lets try some basic cpu isolation.

cset shield --cpu 4-7
cset shield --exec mycommand -- -arg1 -arg2

more to come. realse shield.

Notes for myself: for ID in $(seq 1 12); do echo "d pos nan 0 5" | moteus_tool -t $ID -c; done

Set a device-number for specific channel

Check current device number (replace [pcanpcifd0] with results from ls -l /dev/pcan*)

pcan-settings -f=/dev/pcanpcifd0 –d

Apply a device id to a channel (in this example id:10)

pcan-settings -f=/dev/pcanpcifd0 –d 10

Confirm and assign ID:s to each channel. Then we can use #define DEVICE "/dev/pcan-pcie_fd/devid=X to call the joint

moteus_tool and tview configuration over python-can


Create an ~/can.conf

Add the following to the can.conf

interface = pcan
fd = True
f_clock_mhz = 80
nom_brp = 1
nom_tseg1 = 50
nom_tseg2 = 29
nom_sjw = 10
data_brp = 1
data_tseg1 = 8
data_tseg2 = 7
data_sjw = 12

Open terminal and type execute. Where [devices=x] is the motor ID and [PCAN_PCIBUS2] is your can bus. So please note that the ID most exist on the correct BUS. (

python3.7 -m moteus_gui.tview --devices=x --can-iface pcan --can-chan PCAN_PCIBUSX where --can-iface specifies the "interface" for python-can and --can-chan specifies the "channel".

For exammple connect to a motor with ID 6 and PCAN_PCIBUS4
python3.7 -m moteus_gui.tview --devices=6 --can-iface pcan --can-chan PCAN_PCIBUS4

Ones Tview is running you can plot, change settings, test diffrent commands etc.

For exammple connect to the PD board with ID 32 and PCAN_PCIBUS3
python3.7 -m moteus_gui.tview --devices=32 --can-iface pcan --can-chan PCAN_PCIBUS3



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