This game is a web adaptation for the addictive android game BCG (Board Games Collection).
During the 2020's Covid-19 lockdown, I got challenged by a friend to develop this game. So I accepted the challenge and finished the first version of the game in a weekend. And after a mounth of testing and enhancing the gameplay, this is the first fully functional version.
This web application is developed from scratch :
- Backend : NodeJS/ExpressJS and for real-time interdevice communication
- Frontend : Angular 8.x and Bootstrap
As a first version of the game, it has only the basic functionnalities for an online multiplayer game :
- Up to 4 human players on the same device
- Up to 4 human players playing online
- Text chat
- 3 different map layouts
- Multiple map sizes
- Mobile devices support and a fully Responsive design
- Dark Mode
- Rejoin a game after disconnection [BETA]
- Map Generator
- Up to 10 ten players online
- Bot players with different levels of difficulties
- Better graphical interface
- Standalone desktop & mobile versions
We are accepting contributors, you can add a pull request and we will review any contribution to this project.
This open-source project is licenced by Apache License 2.0
- Mohamed Rafaa Seddik
- Ahmed Khalil Seddik