MyAdvocate is a platform where you can hire your suitable lawyer for any knid of case. The power of collaboration is that it can turn a group of individuals into a team empowered to achieve great things MyAdvocate is a type of application that enables users to share their computer screens with others in real-time over the internet. It includes features that allows user to chat with Lawyers also.
Deployment Link -
Client: React.js | Bootsrap | External CSS library
Server: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | | Bcrypt | PassPort | cors | Redis | JWT
github: To maintain repository and collabration and version control.
VS Code: To write rreact.js and backend server code.
Microsoft Edge,Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox: To check the functionality and run the code.
- Home page
- Login/Signup
- Dashboard
- Lawyers page
- chat page
- admin panel
- Authentication using JWT
- implementation using
- fully functional chat server
- MongoDB
- Redis
- Book appointment
- Chat with lawyer
- First Login or Sign Up
- Click on Book an appointment
- select a suitable lawyer
- select date time for appointment
- Book an appointment
- User can join the chat click on Chat with Lawyer after login
- Time is displayed of message
Rajesh Kumar(Team Lead)
- e-Mail: [email protected]
- GitHub:
Aman Kashyap
- e-Mail: [email protected]
- GitHub:
Chandan Kumar
- e-Mail: [email protected]
- GitHub:
Adesh Tayde
- e-Mail: [email protected]
- GitHub:
Suraj Bhan Singh
- e-Mail: [email protected]
- GitHub: