Mixin-Network SDK for PHP
>= 7.0
$ composer require exinone/mixin-sdk-php -vvv
// Configuration file format
$config0 = [
'mixin_id' => '7000101633',
'client_id' => '982afd4e-92dd-4430-98cf-d308442ea04d',
'client_secret' => 'b0a9adf1b358501b1fb6065c6292b09dbc675d5734225f86e0ec14a71d0fd38a',
'pin' => '125334',
'pin_token' => 'RzgyepFhLbMx+zLw6ogYzZ5k+kmlo8gQ2f4+1uwGMi1HgvMexGdFdeny0ffuBl7gXgPqi1GpUDPWPNrgAIjwGIFu+rHSre1G7JA5ET6tgIYoC+OI2dF0PmNK0qtkjK+qpGpSCt8nFbTfgyHjFENAp4hLZEIhuhzSPPmkkhXGlAU=',
'session_id' => '8a70b414-bdef-46f3-9738-186c1095da61',
'private_key' => <<<EOF
, //import your private_key
$mixinSdk = new \ExinOne\MixinSDK\MixinSDK();
// use setConfig method to save config
// then you can
// Or more simple way, using the 'use' method , chained with other methods
// then you can
code | description | module | Mixin Network Docs |
MixinSDK::pin()->updatePin($oldPin, $pin) |
Update Pin code | Pin | link |
MixinSDK::pin()->verifyPin($pin) |
Verify Pin code | Pin | link |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
MixinSDK::user()->readProfile() |
Read self profile | User | link |
MixinSDK::user()->updateProfile(string $full_name, string $avatar_base64 = '') |
Update user’s profile. | User | link |
MixinSDK::user()->updatePreferences(string $receive_message_source, string $accept_conversation_source) |
Update user’s preferences. | User | link |
MixinSDK::user()->rotateQRCode() |
Rotate user’s code_id. | User | link |
MixinSDK::user()->readFriends() |
Get user’s friends. | User | link |
MixinSDK::user()->addFavoriteApp(string $user_id) |
Add app to favorite app list. | User | link |
MixinSDK::user()->removeFavoriteApp(string $user_id) |
Remove app from favorite app list. | User | link |
MixinSDK::user()->readFavoriteApps(string $user_id = null) |
Returns the favorite apps are recommended by the user. | User | link |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
MixinSDK::wallet()->createAddress(string $asset_id, string $destination, $pin, $label, $tag) |
Create an address for withdrawal | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readAddresses(string $assetId) |
Read addresses by asset ID. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readAddress(string $addressId) |
Read an address by ID. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->deleteAddress(string $addressId, $pin = null) |
Delete an address by ID. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readAssets() |
Read user’s all assets. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readAsset(string $assetId) |
Read asset by ID. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->deposit(string $assetId) |
Gant an asset’s deposit address (The api same as wallet()->readAsset ) |
Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->withdrawal(string $addressId, $amount, $pin, $memo = '', $trace_id = null) |
Get assets out of Mixin Network | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->transfer(string $assetId, string $opponentId, $pin, $amount, $memo = '', $trace_id = null) |
Transfer of assets between Mixin Network users. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->verifyPayment(string $asset_id, string $opponent_id, $amount, string $trace_id) |
Verify a transfer | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readTransfer(string $traceId) |
Read transfer by trace ID. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readAssetFee(string $assetId) |
Read transfer fee | Wallet | null |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readUserSnapshots($limit = null, string $offset = null, string $asset = '', string $order = 'DESC') |
Get user's all snapshots. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readUserSnapshot(string $snapshotId) |
Get user's a snapshots by ID. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->accessTokenGetUserSnapshots(string $access_token, $limit = null, string $offset = null, string $asset = '', string $order = 'DESC') |
Get user's all snapshots. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->accessTokenGetUserSnapshot(string $access_token, string $snapshot_id) |
Get user's a snapshots by ID. | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->accessTokenGetTransfer(string $access_token, string $trace_id) |
Get Transfer | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readRawMainNetAddress(string $client_id) |
Get Transfer Address | Wallet | |
MixinSDK::wallet()->accessTokenPostOutputs($access_token, $receivers, $index = 0) |
Get Transfer Address | Wallet | |
MixinSDK::wallet()->multisigPayment(string $asset_id, array $receivers, int $threshold, $amount, $memo = '', $trace_id = null) |
Post Multisig Payment | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->checkCode($code_id) |
Get payment details | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readMultisigs(string $offset = '', $limit = null) |
Get Multisigs | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->accessTokenPostMultisigs(string $access_token, string $raw, string $action = 'sign') |
Initiate a multi-signature transaction request | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->postMultisigs(string $raw, string $action = 'sign') |
Initiate a multi-signature transaction request | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->externalProxy($params, $method = 'sendrawtransaction') |
Draw assets | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->multisigsSign(string $request_id, String $pin) |
Sign | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->multisigsCancel(string $request_id, String $pin) |
Cancel Sign | Wallet | link |
MixinSDK::wallet()->readFiats() |
Fiat currency to USD exchange rate | Wallet | |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
MixinSDK::network()->readUser( $userId) |
Get user’s information by ID. | Network | /api/beta-mixin-message/read-user/ |
MixinSDK::network()->readUsers(array $userIds) |
Get users information by IDs. | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->searchUser($item) |
Search user by ID. | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->readNetworkAsset(string $assetId) |
Read public asset information by ID from Mixin Network. | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->readNetworkSnapshots($limit = null, string $offset = null, string $asset = '', string $order = 'DESC') |
Read public snapshots of Mixin Network. | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->readNetworkSnapshot(string $snapshotId) |
Read public snapshots of Mixin Network by ID. | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->createUser($fullName) |
Create a new Mixin Network user | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->externalTransactions($asset, $destination, $limit, $offset, $tag) |
Read external transactions | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->createAttachments() |
Create an attachment upload address. | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->mixinNetworkChainsSyncStatus() |
Get Mixin Network Chains Synchronize status | Network | null |
MixinSDK::network()->topAsset() |
top asset | Network | /api/alpha-mixin-network/network/ |
MixinSDK::network()->multisigAsset() |
multisig asset | Network | /api/alpha-mixin-network/network/ |
MixinSDK::network()->requestAccessToken(string $code) |
use code request access token | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->accessTokenGetInfo(string $access_token) |
use access token get info | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->accessTokenGetAssets(string $access_token) |
use access token get assets info | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->accessTokenGetContacts(string $access_token) |
use access token get contact info | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->accessTokenGetAddresses(string $access_token, string $assetId) |
use access token get addresses | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->accessTokenGetAddress(string $access_token, string $addressId) |
use access token get an addresseses | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->rotateConversation(string $conversation_id) |
Rotate Conversation | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->searchAssets(string $snapshotId) |
search assets | Network | link |
MixinSDK::network()->participantsActions(string $conversation_id, array $participants, string $action = "ADD") |
participants actions | Network | /guides |
MixinSDK::network()->readHistoricalPrices(string $asset, string $offset) |
get the historical price of a given asset_id | Network | /guides |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
MixinSDK::message()->sendText($user_id, $data, $category , $conversation_id) |
send text | Message | /api/beta-mixin-message/websocket-messages/ |
MixinSDK::message()->sendContact($user_id, $contact_id, $category, $conversation_id) |
send user card | Message | /api/beta-mixin-message/websocket-messages/ |
MixinSDK::message()->sendAppButtonGroup($user_id, $data, $category, $conversation_id) |
send App Button Group (max three) | Message | /api/beta-mixin-message/websocket-messages/ |
MixinSDK::message()->sendAppCard($user_id, $data, $category, $conversation_id) |
send App Card | Message | /api/beta-mixin-message/websocket-messages/ |
MixinSDK::message()->askMessageReceipt($message_id) |
ask Message Receipt | Message | /api/beta-mixin-message/websocket-messages/ |
MixinSDK::message()->sendBatchMessage($user_id, $data, $use_http, $type) |
send batch message | Message | /api/beta-mixin-message/websocket-messages/ |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
--- | -- | -- | |
MixinSDK::getOauthUrl($client_id, string $scope) |
Get Oauth Url | other | link |
MixinSDK::getPayUrl($asset_id, $amount, $trace_id, $memo, $client_id = null) |
generate a pay Url | other | /guides |
MixinSDK::getConfig($configGroupName='') |
read config | other | null |
If MixinNetwork response with an error,An Exception ExinOne\MixinSDK\Exceptions\MixinNetworkRequestException
will be thrown. Developers need to capture and handle this exception.
try {
// If the transfer fails here, an error will be thrown.
$mixinSdk->wallet()->transfer($asset_id, $opponent_id, $pin, $amount, $memo);
} catch (MixinNetworkRequestException $e) {
// Here errCode and errMessage are the same as MixinNetwork, refer to the following link.
$errCode = $e->getCode();
$errMessage = $e->getMessage();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
class | description |
ExinOne\MixinSDK\Exceptions\MixinNetworkRequestException |
Api request fail |
ExinOne\MixinSDK\Exceptions\NotFoundConfigException |
not found config set |
ExinOne\MixinSDK\Exceptions\LoadPrivateKeyException |
private Key error |
ExinOne\MixinSDK\Exceptions\ClassNotFoundException |
class not found |
You can config
in the following way. Theiterator
is used when a PIN is encrypted. Generally,iterator
should not be modified. If you want ot modify this variable, be sure to know what you are doing. More details on iterator$iterator = [time()]; // if use it by $mixinSdk->pin()->updatePin($oldPin,$pin), // $iterator need have two element (count($iterator) == 2) $mixinSdk->wallet()->setIterator($iterator)->transfer($asset_id, $opponent_id, $pin, $amount, $memo); // By default, microtime(true) * 100000 is used as iterator
Setting Http Request timeout
$mixinSdk->wallet()->setTimeout(10)->transfer($asset_id, $opponent_id, $pin, $amount, $memo); // The default timeout is 20 s
Get raw Recponse content
$mixinSdk->wallet()->setRaw(true)->transfer($asset_id, $opponent_id, $pin, $amount, $memo); // Return MixinNetwork raw Response content