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chore(deps): bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools #42

chore(deps): bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools

chore(deps): bump @tanstack/react-query-devtools #42

# name: PR Deploy and Audit
# on: [pull_request]
# jobs:
# deploy_and_audit:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@v2
# - name: Vercel Action
# id: vercel_action
# uses: amondnet/vercel-action@v20
# with:
# vercel-token: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
# github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# vercel-org-id: ${{ secrets.ORG_ID}}
# vercel-project-id: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_ID}}
# # comment this out if not using vercel teams
# scope: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_SCOPE }}
# - name: Add comment to PR
# id: loading_lighthouse_comment_to_pr
# uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
# with:
# number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
# header: lighthouse
# message: |
# 🚦 Running Lighthouse audit...
# - name: Add comment to PR
# id: loading_budget_comment_to_pr
# uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v2
# with:
# number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
# header: budget
# message: |
# ⏱ Running budget checks...
# - name: Audit URLs using Lighthouse
# id: lighthouse_audit
# uses: treosh/lighthouse-ci-action@v7
# with:
# # add as many urls here as you wish to audit
# # prefixed by the preview-url
# urls: |
# ${{ steps.vercel_action.outputs.preview-url }}
# ${{ steps.vercel_action.outputs.preview-url }}/page1
# budgetPath: '.github/lighthouse/budget.json'
# uploadArtifacts: true
# temporaryPublicStorage: true
# runs: 3
# - name: Format lighthouse result
# id: lighthouse_result
# if: ${{ always() }}
# uses: actions/github-script@v4
# with:
# github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
# script: |
# const links = ${{ steps.lighthouse_audit.outputs.links }}
# const results = (${{ steps.lighthouse_audit.outputs.manifest }}).filter(result => result.isRepresentativeRun);
# const score = res => res >= 90 ? '🟢' : res >= 50 ? '🟠' : '🔴';
# const comment = => {
# const summary = result.summary;
# const url = result.url;
# return `
# 🌎 [${url}](${url})
# ⚡️ [Lighthouse report](${links[url]})
# | Category | Score |
# | --- | --- |
# ${Object.keys(summary).map((key) => {
# const percentage = Math.round(summary[key] * 100);
# return `| ${score(percentage)} ${key} | ${percentage} |`;
# }).join('\n')}
# `;
# }).join('---');
# core.setOutput("comment", comment);
# - name: Format budget result
# id: budget_result
# if: ${{ always() }}
# uses: actions/github-script@v4
# with:
# github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
# script: |
# const assertions = ${{ steps.lighthouse_audit.outputs.assertionResults }};
# if (!assertions.length) {
# core.setOutput("comment", '✅ Budget met, nothing to see here');
# } else {
# const comment = => {
# return `
# ❌ **${result.auditProperty || ''}.${result.auditId}** failure on [${result.url}](${result.url})
# *${result.auditTitle}* - [docs](${result.auditDocumentationLink})
# | Actual | Expected |
# | --- | --- |
# | ${result.actual} | ${result.operator} ${result.expected} |
# `;
# }).join('---');
# core.setOutput("comment", comment);
# }
# - name: Add Lighthouse comment to PR
# id: lighthouse_comment_to_pr
# if: ${{ always() }}
# uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v1
# with:
# number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
# header: lighthouse
# message: |
# ${{ steps.lighthouse_result.outputs.comment }}
# - name: Add Budget comment to PR
# id: budget_comment_to_pr
# if: ${{ always() }}
# uses: marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment@v1
# with:
# number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
# header: budget
# message: |
# ${{ steps.budget_result.outputs.comment }}