This repository contains my solutions and projects for the ALX Low Level Programming track. The projects and assignments in this track cover various topics in C programming, including data structures, algorithms, memory management, and system calls.
- 0x00-hello_world: Introduction to C programming language. Basic syntax, compilation, and linking.
- 0x01-variables_if_else_while: Variables, if statements, loops (while, for, do-while).
- 0x02-functions_nested_loops: Functions, nested loops, scope.
- 0x03-debugging: Debugging techniques and tools.
- 0x04-more_functions_nested_loops: More functions and nested loops.
- 0x05-pointers_arrays_strings: Pointers, arrays, and strings.
- 0x06-pointers_arrays_strings: More pointers, arrays, and strings.
- 0x07-pointers_arrays_strings: Even more pointers, arrays, and strings.
- 0x08-recursion: Introduction to recursion.
- 0x09-static_libraries: Creating and using static libraries.
- 0x0A-argc_argv: Command line arguments (argc, argv).
- 0x0B-malloc_free: Dynamic memory allocation (malloc, free).
- 0x0C-more_malloc_free: More dynamic memory allocation.
- 0x0D-preprocessor: Preprocessor directives.
- 0x0E-structures_typedef: Structures and typedef.
- 0x0F-function_pointers: Function pointers.
- 0x10-variadic_functions: Variadic functions.
- 0x12-singly_linked_lists: Singly linked lists.
- 0x13-more_singly_linked_lists: More singly linked lists.
- 0x14-bit_manipulation: Bit manipulation.
- 0x15-file_io: File I/O (input/output).
- 0x17-doubly_linked_lists: Doubly linked lists.
- 0x18-dynamic_libraries: Creating and using dynamic libraries.
- 0x1A-hash_tables: Hash tables.
- 0x1B-sorting_algorithms: Sorting algorithms.
- 0x1C-makefiles: Makefiles.
- 0x1D-search_algorithms: Search algorithms.
Rasaq Olamilekan Fatai(