"If This, Then That" project for the Tezos blockchain. The project acts as a protocol-level trigger and events platform for both on-chain and off-chain activity.
The live point-and-click interface is available for end users at https://dash.fabrx.io/ifttt/tezos/.
The main API endpoints can be accessed from the https://api.tezosapi.com/ base url.
The API serves as a development gateway to launch triggers and actions, interact with the Fabrx Tezos node (node.tezosapi.com), call endpoints of the Unified Tezos API (api.tezosapi.com), and run provided websocket connections.
Launching a trigger and action thread is trivial with the Fabrx API endpoint. Simply edit the trigger or action payload variables to launch the desired thread. For body parameters, those with an empty string ("") are to be filled in. In addition, those with an array ([]) necessitate you to select one variable.
Here's the general framework:
Subscribe to Trigger-Action
URL: https://apis.fabrx.io/v1.0/trigger-actions/subscribe
"trigger": {
"trigger_type": "",
"trigger_subtype": "",
"trigger_data": {}
"actions": [
"action_type": "",
"action_subtype": "",
"action_data": {}
Unsubscribe to Trigger-Action
Triggers can be unsubscribed either through the link provided in the trigger's email or the API directly. The TRIGGER-ACTION-ID is provided as the result of /subscribe.
URL: https://apis.fabrx.io/v1.0/trigger-actions/unsubscribe/TRIGGER-ACTION-ID
BODY: {}
Wallet Triggers
Type: {"trigger_type": "wallet"}
- Tokens Enter or Leave Wallet
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "coin_leaves"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "coin_enters"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "coin_leaves"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "wallet_address": "", "chain": "tezos", "coin": "XTZ"}}
- Subtypes
- Baker Endorsement of Block
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "baking_event"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "baking_event"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "delegate_address": "", "chain": "tezos", "coin": "XTZ"}}
- Subtypes
- Delegation to Baker
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "delegation_event"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "delegation_event"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "delegator_address": "", "chain": "tezos", "coin": "XTZ"}}
- Subtypes
Trading Triggers
Type: {"trigger_type": "trading"}
XTZ Price Above or Below $X
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "pricing"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "pricing"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "monitor":"last_price", "coin": "xtz", "chain": "tezos", "price": 0, "direction": "[above or below]", "exchange": "", "already_called":0}}
- Subtypes
XTZ Volume Above or Below $X
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "volume"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "volume"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "monitor":"last_vol", "coin": "xtz", "chain": "tezos", "volume": "", "direction": "[above or below]", "exchange": "", "already_called":0}}
- Subtypes
XTZ Market Cap Above or Below $X
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "market_cap"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "market_cap"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "monitor":"last_market_cap", "coin": "xtz", "chain": "tezos", "market_cap": "", "direction": "[above or below]", "exchange": "", "already_called":0}}
- Subtypes
Governance Triggers
Type: {"trigger_type": "governance"}
- New Tezos Governance Proposal
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "proposal"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "proposal"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "new_proposals":"YES", "coin": "xtz", "chain": "tezos"}}
- Subtypes
Smart Contract Triggers
Type: {"trigger_type": "contract"}
- New Contract Deposit
- Subtypes
- {"trigger_subtype": "contract_deposit"}
- {"trigger_subtype": "contract_deposit"}
- Data
- {"trigger_data": { "contract_address": "", "chain": "tezos", "coin": "xtz"}}
- Subtypes
Notification Actions
Type: {"action_type": "notification"}
- Email Notification
- Subtypes
- {"action_subtype": "send_email"}
- {"action_subtype": "send_email"}
- Data
- {""action_data":{"email": ""}}
- Subtypes
Webhook Actions
Type: {"action_type": "webhook"}
Pass Data as JSON to Webhook
- Subtypes
- {"action_subtype": "json"}
- {"action_subtype": "json"}
- Data
- {""action_data":{"email": "","webhook": ""}}
- Subtypes
Run RPC Forge Operation on Trigger
- Subtypes
- {"action_subtype": "rpc"}
- {"action_subtype": "rpc"}
- Data
- {""action_data":{ "email": "", "webhook": "", "function": { "name":"forge_operation", "data": { "sourceAddress":"", "destinationAddress":"", "amount":0 } }}}
- Subtypes
Run API Call on Trigger
- Subtypes
- {"action_subtype": "api_actions"}
- {"action_subtype": "api_actions"}
- Data
- {""action_data":{ "email": "", "webhook": "", "api_function": { "url":"", "path":"", "method":"", "data": {} }}}
- Subtypes
Get Google Sheets Data on Trigger
- Subtypes
- {"action_subtype": "google_sheets"}
- {"action_subtype": "google_sheets"}
- Data
- {""action_data":{ "email": "", "webhook": "", "sheets_data": { "spreadsheetId":"", "sheetName":"", "rows":"" }}}
- Subtypes
The Fabrx Tezos Node runs both an archive node and regular node, offered for usage to the public in a manner similar to Infura. Feel free to use the node endpoint for testing or mainnet activity! For documentation purposes, please reference https://tezos.gitlab.io/tezos/api/rpc.html.
Archive Node
URL: https://node-archive.tezosapi.com/
Example Archive Node Call:
Get Current Block Info
URL: https://node-archive.tezosapi.com/chains/main/blocks/100/
BODY: {}
RESPONSE: {"protocol": "", "chain_id": "", "hash": "", "header": [...], "metadata": [...], "operations": [...]}
Regular Node
URL: https://node.tezosapi.com
Example Regular Node Call:
Get Current Block Info
URL: https://node.tezosapi.com/chains/main/blocks/head/
BODY: {}
RESPONSE: {"protocol": "", "chain_id": "", "hash": "", "header": [...], "metadata": [...], "operations": [...]}
We've integrated baker statistics, block explorer data, and market activity into a unified, publicly available endpoint. We intend for TezosApi.com (which includes both the node RPC index and the forementioned data points) to be the sole API a developer needs to connect to in order to access Tezos data.
Third party api integrations are proxied though AWS Gateway, thus developers are able to access all enpoints from the original API.
- Binance (market activity)
- Coincap (market activity)
- mytezosbaker (baker stats)
- tezosid (block explorer)
- tzstats (block explorer)
Market Activity
Binance API
For all endpoints, please reference: https://github.com/binance-exchange/binance-official-api-docs/blob/master/rest-api.md.
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/binance/
Example Call:
Get Current Tezos Price
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/binance/api/v3/avgPrice?symbol=XTZUSDT
BODY: {}
RESPONSE: {"mins":5,"price":"1.20428464"}
Coincap API
For all endpoints, please reference: https://github.com/binance-exchange/binance-official-api-docs/blob/master/rest-api.md.
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/coincap/
Market Data: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/coincap/tezos-market-data
Market History: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/coincap/tezos-market-history
Market Pairs: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/coincap/tezos-markets
Example Call:
Get Current Tezos Market Data
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/coincap/tezos-market-data
BODY: {}
RESPONSE: {"data":{"id":"tezos","rank":"19","symbol":"XTZ","name":"Tezos","supply":"660373611.9727800000000000","maxSupply":null,"marketCapUsd":"798888171.1054751872675239","volumeUsd24Hr":"1488797.1496676131739530","priceUsd":"1.2097518080998134","changePercent24Hr":"-0.6105680286499922","vwap24Hr":"1.2033556141398717"},"timestamp":1574208502706}
Baker Stats
MyTezosBaker API
For all endpoints, please reference: https://api.mytezosbaker.com/.
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/mytezosbaker/
Example Call:
Get Data on All Bakers
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/mytezosbaker/v1/bakers/
BODY: {}
RESPONSE: { "bakers":[...]}
Block Explorer Data
TezosId API
For all endpoints, please reference: https://tezos.id/dev-apis.
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/tezosid/
Example Call:
Get Most Recent Block on Mainnet
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/tezosid/mooncake/mainnet/v1/blocks?n=1
BODY: {}
RESPONSE: [ { "blocksAlpha": {...}, "block": {...}, "opCount": 24, "blockStat": {} }
TzStats API
For all endpoints, please reference: https://tzstats.com/docs/api/index.html#explorer-endpoints.
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/tzstats/
Example Call:
Get Data From Specific Block
URL: https://api.tezosapi.com/v1/tzstats/explorer/block/627341
BODY: {}
RESPONSE: [ { "hash": "", "predecessor": "", "successor": "", "baker": "", "height": 627341, "cycle": 153, "is_cycle_snapshot": false, "time": "2019-09-28T13:10:51Z", "solvetime": 60, "version": 4, "validation_pass": 4, "fitness": 19846425, "priority": 0, "nonce": 16299522299, "voting_period_kind": "promotion_vote", "endorsed_slots": 4294967295, "n_endorsed_slots": 32, "n_ops": 28, "n_ops_failed": 0, "n_ops_contract": 0, "n_tx": 1, "n_activation": 0, "n_seed_nonce_revelations": 0, "n_double_baking_evidences": 0, "n_double_endorsement_evidences": 0, "n_endorsement": 26, "n_delegation": 0, "n_reveal": 1, "n_origination": 0, "n_proposal": 0, "n_ballot": 0, "volume": 2047.9, "fees": 0.01142, "rewards": 80, "deposits": 2560, "unfrozen_fees": 0, "unfrozen_rewards": 0, "unfrozen_deposits": 0, "activated_supply": 0, "burned_supply": 0, "n_accounts": 30, "n_new_accounts": 0, "n_new_implicit": 0, "n_new_managed": 0, "n_new_contracts": 0, "n_cleared_accounts": 0, "n_funded_accounts": 0, "gas_limit": 20400, "gas_used": 20200, "gas_price": 0.56535, "storage_size": 0, "days_destroyed": 203.367847, "pct_account_reuse": 100, endorsers:[...]}
Tezos websocket is available at ws://websocket.tezosapi.com. The address of the baker that you would like to subscribe to must be passed when subscribing to the websocket.
On webhook subscription, you will be updated on the following events per block:
- General Delegate Info (Each Block)
- Operations Involving Delegate (Each Block)
- Baking Events and Transaction Fee Rewards (If Selected as Baker on Block)
Example Call:
- Connect to ws://websocket.tezosapi.com
- Enter Tezos wallet address of the baker you wish to monitor (ex: tz1P2Po7YM526ughEsRbY4oR9zaUPDZjxFrb)
{"balance": "1635176756166", "frozen_balance": "1147658284917", "staking_balance": "12241096788028", "delegated_balance": "10639586398514", "deactivated": false, "grace_period": 177}
{"kind": "freezer", "category": "rewards", "delegate": "tz1P2Po7YM526ughEsRbY4oR9zaUPDZjxFrb", "cycle": 171, "change": "2000000", "hash": "ooyA9pRwztDfRa97RNuD1ftcS8u4g4T2SKqZGAbfd2kacSVMscs"}
Delay Between Trigger and Email
Mailgun is utilized as the email backend. Email addresses which pass initial validation typically respond with a delay of ~0.75 seconds. Email addresses which do not pass initial validation may take up to 30 minutes to respond. Email addresses which do not pass validation altogether will fail trigger subscription. This should be seen in the initial trigger signup.
On-chain triggers run every ~15 seconds. Thus, total delay for an email to be received on a triggered event can be up to 30 seconds.
Due to API limits, market activity events run every 20 minutes. If you would like lower latency, we are open to supporting a paid version through delegation to our baker. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss.
Limitation on Free API Requests
Currently, we do not limit free trigger subscriptions or API requests. However, we may need to impose limits as usage grows. If requested, we are open to establishing a paid membership for API limit extensions and lower latency on trigger events. Paid membership would be available through delegation to our baker in exchange for usage. Contact us at [email protected] if interested.
The Tezos IFTTT frontend runs on Python3.7 and the Django framework. The following steps should deploy the frontend application on your server.
Install Python
# Mac OS utilize Homebrew
brew install python
# Windows Download
Download from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/
# Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt install python3.7
Install pip
# Mac OS Automatically Installs pip
# Windows Automatically Install pip
# Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip
Launch Django App
# Install Django
python -m pip install Django
# Download Source
git clone https://github.com/rbcp18/tezos-if-this-then-that.git
# Go to App Folder
cd tezos-if-this-then-that/frontend/tezos_ifttt
# Launch Server
python3 manage.py runserver
The Tezos IFTTT Frontend should now be available on your localhost at:
The Tezos IFTTT backend is divided into four sections - websocket, ifttt controller, trigger-action scripts, and PostgreSQL database.
Launch Websocket
# Open new terminal to launch websocket server
# Install Python3.7 (See above for help)
# Download Source
git clone https://github.com/rbcp18/tezos-if-this-then-that.git
# Go to Backend Folder
cd tezos-if-this-then-that/backend
# Launch Websocket
python3 tezos_websocket_server.py
Launch Trigger-Action Database
# Create a PostgreSQL database to hold the trigger-action data. There are many cloud options to launch a PostgreSQL database, such as AWS RDS and Digital Ocean.
# Log in to the database
# Utilize a database command line tool to enter the following:
copy code from https://github.com/rbcp18/tezos-if-this-then-that/blob/master/backend/trigger-actions-db-script.sql
paste code into database command line
# Your trigger-actions database should now be launch! Connect your database to the trigger-action scripts and IFTTT controller at the following line:
pg_pool = psycopg2.pool.SimpleConnectionPool(1, 20, host="",database="", user="", password="", port="", options=f'-c search_path={schema}',)
Launch IFTTT Controller
# IFTTT Controller is responsible for subscribing and unsubscribing to trigger-actions, as well as delivering the signup and event emails.
# We deploy each controller script to AWS Lambda, however you can run each locally by opening a flask server (https://www.fullstackpython.com/flask.html).
# Install Python3.7 (See above for help)
# Download Source
git clone https://github.com/rbcp18/tezos-if-this-then-that.git
# Go to Backend Folder
cd tezos-if-this-then-that/backend/ifttt-controller
# Deploy Each Controller Script to a New AWS Lambda or Launch as New Function in a Flask Server
# Event triggered email script
python3 trigger-action-event-email.py
# Trigger-action subscribed email script
python3 trigger-action-subscribe-email.py
# Trigger-action subscribe script
python3 trigger-action-subscribe.py
# Trigger-action unsubscribe script
python3 trigger-action-unsubscribe.py
Launch Trigger Action Scripts
# Trigger-Action scripts are responsible for monitoring and alerting on events.
# We run each trigger-action on our server.
# Install Python3.7 (See above for help)
# Download Source
git clone https://github.com/rbcp18/tezos-if-this-then-that.git
# Go to Backend Folder
cd tezos-if-this-then-that/backend/trigger_action_scripts
# Launch each trigger-action script in a new screen or terminal
# Baking Trigger Monitoring
python3 baking_trigger_actions.py
# Contracts Trigger Monitoring
python3 contracts_trigger_actions.py
# Delegation Trigger Monitoring
python3 delegation_trigger_actions.py
# Endorsement Trigger Monitoring
python3 endorsement_trigger_actions.py
# Proposals Trigger Monitoring
python3 proposals_trigger_actions.py
# Trading & Market Activity Trigger Monitoring
python3 trading_trigger_actions.py
# Voting Phase Trigger Monitoring
python3 voting_trigger_actions.py
# Wallet Trigger Monitoring
python3 wallet_trigger_actions.py