Welcome to the MSN Chat Client project, a dedicated effort to preserve and revitalize the MSN Chat experience. Our application leverages the original MSN Chat Control, an ActiveX control developed by Microsoft, embedded within a modern Windows application using advanced C# programming.
- Preservation of Internet History: Bringing back the nostalgic MSN Chat experience.
- Advanced Integration: Embedding the MSN Chat Control within a modern .NET 8.0 framework application.
- IRCX Support: Extending and enhancing IRCX, staying true to its roots as an IRC extension.
- Language: C#
- Framework: .NET 8.0
- Platform: Windows (x86)
- Core Component: MSN Chat Control (ActiveX)
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/realJoshByrnes/MSNChat.git
- Build the Project: Open the solution in Visual Studio and build the project to restore dependencies and compile the application.
- Run the Application: Execute the built application and enjoy the revitalized MSN Chat experience.
We welcome contributions from the community to enhance the MSN Chat Client.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file.
MSN is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.