TODO Add description, objetives and goals.
TODO Add diagram and Microservices topology
TODO Add information about OpenShift and how to use it. TODO Instructions to deploy into a local CDK (Minishift) instance
Create a new project:
$ oc new-project coolstore
$ oc project coolstore
TODO Add description and main Spring Boot features
To deploy into OpenShift:
$ cd catalog-spring-boot
$ mvn clean package fabric8:deploy
Testing API:
$ curl http://catalog-coolstore.$(minishift ip) | jq
"itemId": "329299",
"name": "Red Fedora",
"description": "Official Red Hat Fedora",
"price": 34.99
TODO Add description and main Wildfly features
To deploy into OpenShift:
$ cd inventory-wildfly-swarm
$ mvn clean package fabric8:deploy
Testing API:
$ curl http://inventory-coolstore.$(minishift ip) | jq
"itemId": "329299",
"quantity": 35
TODO Add description and main Vert.x features
Prepare your namespace:
oc policy add-role-to-user view -z default -n coolstore
To deploy into OpenShift:
$ cd gateway-vertx
$ mvn clean package fabric8:deploy
Testing API:
$ curl http://gateway-coolstore.$(minishift ip) | jq
"itemId": "329299",
"name": "Red Fedora",
"description": "Official Red Hat Fedora",
"price": 34.99,
"availability": {
"quantity": 35
Hystrix Dashboard lets you easily monitor the health of your services in real time by aggregating Hystrix metrics data from an event stream and displaying them on one screen.
$ oc create -f
template "hystrix-dashboard" created
$ oc new-app --template=hystrix-dashboard
To access to the dashboard:
http://hystrix-dashboard-coolstore.$(minishift ip)
TODO Add description and main Node.js and AngularJS features
To deploy in OpenShift:
$ cd web-nodejs
$ oc new-build --name web-ui --docker-image .
$ oc start-build web-ui --from-dir . --follow
$ oc new-app web-ui
$ oc expose svc/web-ui
Testing from a Web Browser [http://web-ui-coolstore.$(minishift ip)](http://web-ui-coolstore.$(minishift ip)
There is an OpenShift Template to deploy all this repository easily.
$ oc new-project coolstore
$ oc process -f openshift/coolstore-msa-break-fix-template.yaml | oc create -f -
This repository is based in other cool repositories as: