Wizard Companion is a companion app for the wizard card game that makes keeping score easier! With Wizard Companion, you can:
- Keep Score of your games without doing any math
- See a history of any past games that you have played
- Quickly reference the rules of the game
- Resume playing a game that you may have put on pause temporarily
- Currently live on the playstore. View it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.rjreid.wizardcompanion
- This project was created because my friends and family and I play the Wizard card game quite often and I wanted an easier way to keep score. There are a couple of apps and websites out there that do this already, but I thought I could do a better job.
- I wanted a project to play around with Jetpack Compose, Datastore, flows, etc. and this project provided that. I am a fan of compose for sure.