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Shared repo with code for reading and writing file formats used by the Red Faction Guerrilla. The packfile and PEG code is from SyncFaction.


The table below lists each format used by RFG and how much this library supports them. Extensions prepended with an asterisk * are stored by the game as two files known as the cpu file and gpu file. For example, for static meshes .csmesh_pc is the cpu file extension and .gsmesh_pc is the gpu file extension.

✔️= Fully supported.

❔ = Partially supported.

❌ = Not supported.

Format Extension(s) Read Write
Packfile .vpp_pc, .str2_pc ✔️ ✔️
Asset assembler .asm_pc ✔️ ✔️
Texture *.cpeg_pc, *.cvbm_pc ✔️ ✔️
Static mesh *.csmesh_pc ❔️
Character mesh *.ccmesh_pc ❔️
Map zone .rfgzone_pc, .layer_pc ✔️
Vehicle mesh *.ccar_pc
Animation .anim_pc
Rig .rig_pc
Chunk *.cchk_pc
Visual effect *.cefct_pc
Foliage mesh .cfmesh_pc
Terrain clutter mesh *.cstch
Terrain zone *.cterrain_pc
Terrain subzone *.ctmesh_pc
Fullscreen map data .fsmib
Shader .fxo_kg
Steam localization strings .le_strings
Localization strings .rfglocatext ✔️️ ✔️
Render material .mat_pc
Animation Morph .morph_pc
UI .vint_doc
Cloth sim .sim_pc
Sound config .xgs_pc
Soundbank .xsb_pc
Wavebank .xwb_pc
Audio categories .aud_pc
Font .vf3_pc
? .vfdvp_pc
? .rfgvp_pc