Last Update: June 5, 2017.
Curated list of resources for iOS developers in following topics:
- Machine Learning Libraries
- Deep Learning Libraries
- Computer Vision
- Natural Language Processing
- Speech Recognition (TTS) and Generation (STT)
- Text Recognition (OCR)
- Other AI
- Machine Learning Web APIs
- Opensource ML Applications
- Game AI
- Other related staff
- iOS ML Blogs
- GPU Computing Blogs
- Learn Machine Learning
- Other Lists
Most of the de-facto standard tools in domains listed above are written in iOS-unfriendly languages (Python/Java/R/Matlab) so finding something appropriate for your iOS application may be a challenging task.
This list consists mainly of libraries written in Objective-C, Swift, C, C++, JavaScript and some other languages if they can be easily ported to iOS. Also, links to some relevant web APIs, blog posts, videos and learning materials included.
Resources are sorted alphabetically or randomly. The order doesn't reflect my personal preferences or anything else. Some of the resources are awesome, some are great, some are fun, and some can serve as an inspiration.
Have fun!
Pull-requests are welcome here.
FANN - Fast Artifical Neural Network library; an implementation of neural networks.
lbimproved - DTW + kNN in C
Shark - provides libraries for the design of adaptive systems, including methods for linear and nonlinear optimization (e.g., evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms), kernel-based algorithms and neural networks, and other machine learning techniques. CocoaPods. Official site
YCML - A Machine Learning framework for Objective-C and Swift (OS X / iOS). The following algorithms are currently available: Gradient Descent Backpropagation, Resilient Backpropagation (RProp), Extreme Learning Machines (ELM), Forward Selection using Orthogonal Least Squares (for RBF Net), also with the PRESS statistic, Binary Restricted Boltzmann Machines (CD & PCD, Untested!). YCML also contains some optimization algorithms as support for deriving predictive models, although they can be used for any kind of problem: Gradient Descent (Single-Objective, Unconstrained), RProp Gradient Descent (Single-Objective, Unconstrained), NSGA-II (Multi-Objective, Constrained).
Swix - Swift implementation of NumPy.
Brain - Neural networks in JavaScript. Unmaintained.
April-ANN - APRIL-ANN toolkit (A Pattern Recognizer In Lua with ANNs). This toolkit incorporates ANN algorithms (as dropout, stacked denoising auto-encoders, convolutional NNs), with other pattern recognition methods as HMMs among others. Additionally, in experimental stage, it is possible to perform automatic differentiation, for advanced ML research. Potentially can be ported for iOS.
Recommender - A C library for product recommendations/suggestions using collaborative filtering (CF).
SNNeuralNet - A neural network library for Objective-C based on brain.js, for iOS and Mac OS X.
MLPNeuralNet - Fast multilayer perceptron neural network library for iOS and Mac OS X. MLPNeuralNet predicts new examples by trained neural network. It is built on top of the Apple's Accelerate Framework, using vectorized operations and hardware acceleration if available.
MAChineLearning - An Objective-C multilayer perceptron library, with full support for training through backpropagation. Implemented using vDSP and vecLib, it's 20 times faster than its Java equivalent. Includes sample code for use from Swift.
Swift-AI - 3-layer NN.
EERegression - General purpose multivaritate and quadratic Regression library for Swift 2.1
SwiftSimpleNeuralNetwork - Feed forward and back propagation.
STEM - Swift Tensor Engine for Machine-learning
multilinear-math - Swift library for tensor operations, machine learning and artificial intelligence
MLKit - regressions, cross-validation, data splitting.
dlib is a C++ framework which contains 30+ machine learning algorithms and different useful additions. It's relatively easy to port it to iOS: you just need to get rid of GUI and http-related source files.
Mendel - Genetic algorithms in Swift.
Kalvar Lin's libraries
- ios-BPN-NeuralNetwork - 3-layer neural network + back propagation.
- ios-Multi-Perceptron-NeuralNetwork - Multi-perceptron neural network based on back propagation NN.
- ios-KRDelta - Delta Learning method
- ios-KRHebbian-Algorithm - Hebbian Theory
- ios-KRKmeans-Algorithm - K-Means clustering method.
- ios-KRFuzzyCMeans-Algorithm - Fuzzy C-Means, the fuzzy clustering algorithm.
- ios-KRGreyTheory - Grey Theory / Grey system theory-based models in time series prediction
- ios-KRSVM - Support Vector Machine and SMO.
- ios-KRKNN - kNN implementation.
- ios-KRRBFNN - Radial basis function neural network and OLS.
- ios-KRPerceptron - Perceptron method.
- ios-ML-Recommendation-System - demo of a book recommendation system, built using ios-BPN-NeuralNetwork.
- Bender - Framework for building fast NNs. Supports TensorFlow models. It uses Metal under the hood.
- Birdbrain - RNNs and FF NNs on top of Metal and Accelerate. Not ready for production.
- BNNS - Apple Basic neural network subroutines (BNNS) is a collection of functions that you use to implement and run neural networks, using previously obtained training data.
- BNNS usage examples in iOS 10 sampler.
- An example of a neural network trained by tensorflow and executed using BNNS
- BrainCore - simple but fast neural network framework written in Swift. It uses Metal framework to be as fast as possible. ReLU, LSTM, L2 ...
- Caffe - A deep learning framework developed with cleanliness, readability, and speed in mind.
GitHub. [BSD]
- iOS port
- caffe-mobile - another iOS port.
- C++ examples: Classifying ImageNet, Extracting Features
- Caffe iOS sample
- Caffe2 - a cross-platform framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind.
- Convnet.js - ConvNetJS is a Javascript library for training Deep Learning models by Andrej Karpathy. GitHub
- ConvNetSwift - Swift port [work in progress].
- Deep Belief SDK - The SDK for Jetpac's iOS Deep Belief image recognition framework
- DeepLearningKit - Open Source Deep Learning Framework from Memkite for Apple's tvOS, iOS and OS X.
- Espresso - A minimal high performance parallel neural network framework running on iOS.
- Forge - A neural network toolkit for Metal.
- KSJNeuralNetwork - A Neural Network Inference Library Built atop BNNS and MPS
- MetalPerformanceShaders - CNNs on GPU from Apple.
- MetalCNNWeights - a Python script to convert Inception v3 for MPS.
- MPSCNNfeeder - Keras to MPS models conversion.
- MXNet - MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility.
- NNPACK - Acceleration package for neural networks on multi-core CPUs. Prisma uses this library in the mobile app.
- Quantized-CNN - compressed convolutional neural networks for Mobile Devices
- TensorFlow - an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Nodes in the graph represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) communicated between them. The flexible architecture allows you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device with a single API.
- tiny-dnn - header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++11.
- Torch is a scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms.
- TensorFlow implementation of knowledge distilling method
- MobileNet-Caffe - Caffe Implementation of Google's MobileNets
- ccv - C-based/Cached/Core Computer Vision Library, A Modern Computer Vision Library
- OpenCV – Open Source Computer Vision Library. [BSD]
- OpenFace – a state-of-the art open source tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
- trackingjs – Object tracking in JS
- CoreLinguistics - POS tagging (HMM), ngrams, Naive Bayes, IBM alignment models.
- GloVe Swift package. Vector words representations.
- NSLinguisticTagger
- Parsimmon
- Twitter text - An Objective-C implementation of Twitter's text processing library. The library includes methods for extracting user names, mentions headers, hashtags, and more – all the tweet specific language syntax you could ever want.
- Verbal expressions for Swift, like regexps for humans.
- Word2Vec - Original C implementation of Word2Vec Deep Learning algorithm. Works on iPhone like a charm.
- Kaldi-iOS framework - on-device speech recognition using deep learning.
- MVSpeechSynthesizer
- OpenEars™: free speech recognition and speech synthesis for the iPhone - OpenEars™ makes it simple for you to add offline speech recognition and synthesized speech/TTS to your iPhone app quickly and easily. It lets everyone get the great results of using advanced speech UI concepts like statistical language models and finite state grammars in their app, but with no more effort than creating an NSArray or NSDictionary.
- TLSphinx, Tutorial
- ocrad.js - JS OCR
- Tesseract
- Axiomatic - Swift unification framework for logic programming.
- Build Your Own Lisp In Swift
- Logician - Logic programming in Swift
- Swiftlog - A simple Prolog-like language implemented entirely in Swift.
- IBM Watson - Enable Cognitive Computing Features In Your App Using IBM Watson's Language, Vision, Speech and Data APIs.
- AlchemyAPI - Semantic Text Analysis APIs Using Natural Language Processing. Now part of IBM Watson.
- Microsoft Project Oxford
- Google Prediction engine
- Google Translate API
- Google Cloud Vision API
- Amazon Machine Learning - Amazon ML is a cloud-based service for developers. It provides visualization tools to create machine learning models. Obtain predictions for application using APIs.
- PredictionIO - opensource machine learning server for developers and ML engineers. Built on Apache Spark, HBase and Spray.
- Swift SDK
- Tapster iOS Demo - This demo demonstrates how to use the PredictionIO Swift SDK to integrate an iOS app with a PredictionIO engine to make your mobile app more interesting.
- Tutorial on using Swift with PredictionIO.
- Wit.AI - NLP API
- Yandex SpeechKit Text-to-speech and speech-to-text for Russian language. iOS SDK available.
- Abbyy OCR SDK
- Clarifai - deep learning web api for image captioning. iOS starter project
- MetaMind - deep learning web api for image captioning.
- Api.AI - Build intelligent speech interfaces for apps, devices, and web
- - deep learning web API for fine grained object detection or whole screen description, including natural language object captions. Objective-C API client is available.
- DeepDreamer - Deep Dream application
- DeepDreamApp - Deep Dream Cordova app.
- Texture Networks, Lua implementation
- Feedforward style transfer, Lua implementation
- TensorFlow implementation of Neural Style
- Corrosion detection app
- ios_camera_object_detection - Realtime mobile visualize based Object Detection based on TensorFlow and YOLO model
- TensorFlow MNIST iOS demo - Getting Started with Deep MNIST and TensorFlow on iOS
- Drummer App with RNN and Swift
- What'sThis
- enVision - Deep Learning Models for Vision Tasks on iOS\
- GoogLeNet on iOS demo
- Neural style in Android
- mnist-bnns - TensorFlow MNIST demo port to BNNS
- Benchmark of BNNS vs. MPS
- VGGNet on Metal
- A Sudoku Solver that leverages TensorFlow and iOS BNNS for deep learning.
- SwiftOCR
- GrabCutIOS - Image segmentation using GrabCut algorithm for iOS
- Classical ELIZA chatbot in Swift
- InfiniteMonkeys - A Keras-trained RNN to emulate the works of a famous poet, powered by BrainCore
- Swift implementation of Joel Grus's "Data Science from Scratch"
- Neural Network built in Apple Playground using Swift
- Introduction to AI Programming for Games
- dlib is a library which has many useful tools including machine learning.
- MicroPather is a path finder and A* solver (astar or a-star) written in platform independent C++ that can be easily integrated into existing code.
- Here is a list of some AI libraries suggested on OGRE3D website. Seems they are mostly written in C++.
- GameplayKit Programming Guide
- Accelerate-in-Swift - Swift example codes for the Accelerate.framework
- cuda-swift - Swift binding to CUDA. Not iOS, but still interesting.
- Dimensional - Swift matrices with friendly semantics and a familiar interface.
- Eigen - A high-level C++ library of template headers for linear algebra, matrix and vector operations, numerical solvers and related algorithms. [MPL2]
- Matrix - convenient matrix type with different types of subscripts, custom operators and predefined matrices. A fork of Surge.
- NDArray - Float library for Swift, accelerated with Accelerate Framework.
- Swift-MathEagle - A general math framework to make using math easy. Currently supports function solving and optimisation, matrix and vector algebra, complex numbers, big int, big frac, big rational, graphs and general handy extensions and functions.
- SwiftNum - linear algebra, fft, gradient descent, conjugate GD, plotting.
- Surge from Mattt
- Upsurge - generic tensors, matrices on top of Accelerate. A fork of Surge.
- YCMatrix - A flexible Matrix library for Objective-C and Swift (OS X / iOS)
- SigmaSwiftStatistics - A collection of functions for statistical calculation written in Swift.
- SORandom - Collection of functions for generating psuedorandom variables from various distributions
- RandKit - Swift framework for random numbers & distributions.
- fmincg-c - Conjugate gradient implementation in C
- libLBFGS - a C library of Limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (L-BFGS)
- SwiftOptimizer - QuantLib Swift port.
- IntuneFeatures framework contains code to generate features from audio files and feature labels from the respective MIDI files.
- matchbox - Mel-Frequency-Cepstral-Coefficients and Dynamic-Time-Warping for iOS/OSX. Warning: the library was updated last time when iOS 4 was still hot.
- LibXtract is a simple, portable, lightweight library of audio feature extraction functions.
- Charts - The Swift port of the MPAndroidChart.
- iOS-Charts
- Core Plot
- Awesome iOS charts
- JTChartView
- D3.js iOS binding
- BioJS - a set of tools for bioinformatics in the browser. BioJS builds a infrastructure, guidelines and tools to avoid the reinvention of the wheel in life sciences. Community builds modules than can be reused by anyone.
- BioCocoa - BioCocoa is an open source OpenStep (GNUstep/Cocoa) framework for bioinformatics written in Objective-C. [Dead project].
- iBio - A Bioinformatics App for iPhone.
- HDF5Kit - This is a Swift wrapper for the HDF5 file format. HDF5 is used in the scientific comunity for managing large volumes of data. The objective is to make it easy to read and write HDF5 files from Swift, including playgrounds.
- iSwift - Swift kernel for IPython notebook.
- Pete Warden's blog
- The "Machine, think!" blog by Matthijs Hollemans
- Invasive Code blog
- Big Nerd Ranch - Use TensorFlow and BNNS to Add Machine Learning to your Mac or iOS App
- Intelligence in Mobile Applications
- An exclusive inside look at how artificial intelligence and machine learning work at Apple
- Presentation on squeezing DNNs for mobile
- Curated list of papers on deep learning models compression and acceleration
OpenCL for iOS - just a test.
Exploring GPGPU on iOS.
GPU-accelerated video processing for Mac and iOS. Article.
Concurrency and OpenGL ES - Apple programming guide.
OpenCV on iOS GPU usage - SO discussion.
- Simon's Gladman (aka flexmonkey) blog
- Talk on iOS GPU programming with Swift and Metal at Realm Altconf.
- The Supercomputer In Your Pocket: Metal & Swift - a video from the Swift Summit Conference 2015
- Memkite blog - startup intended to create deep learning library for iOS.
- Metal by Example blog
- objc-io article on Metal
- Courserra course on machine learning from Andrew Ng.
- Machine learning playlist on Youtube.
- Free online interactive book "Neural Networks and Deep Learning".
- "Natural Language Processing with Python" - free online book.
- Heterogeneous Parallel Programming course.
- Immersive Linear Algebra interactive book by J. Ström, K. Åström, and T. Akenine-Möller.
- Deep Learning for Perception by Virginia Tech, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Fall 2015: ECE 6504
- Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers - An intro to Bayesian methods and probabilistic programming from a computation/understanding-first, mathematics-second point of view.
- CAP 5415 - Computer Vision by UCF
- CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing by Stanford
- Machine Learning: 2014-2015 Course materials by Oxford
- Stanford CS class CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition.
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (without Magic)
- Videos from Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal 2015.
- Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal 2016
- "Deep learning" - the book by Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
- Awesome Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Courses
- Awesome Data Science
- Awesome Computer Vision
- Speech and language processing
- The Rise of Chat Bots: Useful Links, Articles, Libraries and Platforms by Pavlo Bashmakov.
- Awesome Machine Learning for Cyber Security