Single-file public domain headers (or MIT licensed) libraries for C (C99)
The main goal of these libraries is to be fast, and usable for games programming - with a sprinkle of machine learning and general maths.
This library is in the style of:
Current Libraries:
- Vector, matrix and quaternion: r2_maths.h
- UTF-8 String library: r2_strings.h
- Simple ncurses like library thing: r2_termui.h
- Minimal unit testing: r2_unit.h
Copy any of the header files you want to use into your code base. See the header files for instructions (mostly you just include them).
curl > ./src/r2_termui.h
- Clone this library as a git submodule into a target project:
$ cd my_project
$ mkdir vendor
$ cd vendor
$ git submodule add
- Then the vendor directory to your compiler flags:
- In the main part of your application (only once), import the library with the implementation flag:
# include <limits.h>
# include "r2/r2_maths.h"
# include <string.h>
- Anywhere else you need the functions, use the include without the flag:
# include <limits.h>
# include "r2/r2_maths.h"
# include <string.h>
- Go for gold. See
for some example usages, or look atr2_maths.h
for reference.
vec3 v1 = {.x = 3.f, .y = 3.f, .z = 3.f};
vec3 v2 = {.x = -30.f, .y = 30.f, .z = -30.f};
vec4 out = {0};
vec3_cross(&v1, &v2, &out);
make test
Note: If you are on windows, currently, you'll have to write something like
a test.bat
yourself (or some magic to import the files into Visual Studio).
You can use
as a template.
To compile and run the code in web assembly, first make sure you have
emscripten setup,
working, and the emcc
environment variables setup:
source ~/Projects/spikes/emsdk/
Then just run make test_wasm
passing in the emcc
compiler and output to html
make test_wasm
You can then use run some sort of http server against the bin
directory. For
example (busboy), or python. Then load
the HTML page in a browser.