Mk-ovpn-gen is a role oriented to generate files to configure Openvpn on Mikrotik + clients, as easy as run a playbook providing the correct credentials of the Mikrotik router.
This playbook don't use the easy-rsa package and do all the work using the internal tools of Mikrotik devices.
- Ansible 2.7
- Openvpn 2.3 (tested on Debian 8/9)
We use paramiko in order to comunicate correctly with Mikrotik devices. Edit your ansible.cfg adding this part of code:
Use the main playbook file, or integrate the role in your playbook, as you wish.
$ ./mkvpn.yml -i, -u admin --ask-pass
dev tun
proto tcp-client
remote <ip_address_of_your_router> 1194
ca ca.crt
cert client1.crt
key client1.key
askpass client1.pass
user nobody
group nogroup
# More reliable detection when a system loses its connection.
ping 15
ping-restart 45
verb 3
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA1
auth-user-pass user.cfg
This file should be generated by some role included with this repo
- Validate openvpn is installed
- Download certs to client
- Rename to clear name downloaded files
- Generate CFG config with correct files
- Create auth.cfg & client1.pass
- Edit /etc/default/openvpn for Debian users
- Restart openvpn to force connect
Free Software, Hell Yeah!
Ramiro <ramiro_at_gnubit_dot_com>