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Configuring the package in HomeAssistant Docker container

BuSHari edited this page Mar 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

Make sure the package is installed and configured properly

  1. First we need to pull the container
    sudo docker pull homeassistant/home-assistant:latest
  2. Run Home Assistant container
    docker run --name=Home-Assistant -d \
    	--env="TZ=Asia/Jerusalem" \
    	--v="/path/to/your/config:/config:rw" \
    	--net=host \
    	--restart=always \
    	--detach=true -t \
    	homeassistant/home-assistant:latest \
    	python -m homeassistant --config /config
  • notice the path /path/to/your/config which should be set according to your config directory
  1. Go to your config directory and create a new directory named custom_components, in it, create a new directory named switcher, should be something like /path/to/your/config/custom_components/switcher

  2. Copy the package files including your configured credentials.json to newly created Switcher directory.

  3. Test: Connect to the container
    sudo docker exec -i -t Home-Assistant /bin/bash

  4. Test: Run a command within the container
    /path/to/your/config/custom_components/switcher/ -m get_state

  5. If no errors comes up, configure Switcher in HomeAssistant Remember to use the docker config path when configuring the commands

If you run into any issues, please submit an issue.