SYNScrollViewObserverEffects is a set of classes that observe the content offset of one scrollview and generate different effects. The primary goal was to be unobtrussive and able to react to changes in a scroll view without having to be the delegate. Effects included:
- Parallax scrolling to show depth of UI.
- Enlarge a view when the scrollview is pulled down too far.
- An image blur of a UIImageView image.
- An effect to show and hide the a Navigation bar based on scrolling.
Note: The blur effect in this library is requires iOS 7+. All else should work with at least iOS 6.
To run the example project; clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Project directory first.
Using in a project can be done with the following code.
self.parallaxObserver = [[SYNParallaxScrollObserver alloc] initWithObservedScrollView:self.observed parallaxedScrollView:self.parallaxed];
[self.parallaxObserver startObserving];
To use all of the effects iOS 7 is required.
SYNParallaxScrollObserver is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SYNScrollViewObserverEffects"
Sam Corder, [email protected] @SamCorder
SYNScrollViewObserverEffects is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.