- Case Study 1: Single dataset analysis for gene expression data
- Case Study 2: Time series analysis for CRISPR data
- Case Study 3: Special Usage of HTSanalyzeR2
- Resources:
- Preprocessing
- Hypergeometric test
- Enriched subnetwork analysis
- Support:
- Supported analysis
- Data type
- Supported pathways
- Supported species
- Visualization
- Term of service:
- Session info
- References
Design of the website could be found at the 20180621_design.pdf, which contains the introduction of tools, tutorials and discussion of layout/theme.
The website was built based on R blogdown+hugo with the same academic
theme of another repository: CityU_bioinformatics. I built the website with help of Miss Peiyu for her Final Year Project (FYP). From 2018-2020, I had been assigned to in charge of three undergraduate students' FYP. And again, it is none of science or research, just duties which be assigned to me. I have to say that the passed four-years of PhD did change me alot intentionally or unintentionally.
© 2020 · Copyright© 2020 Lin QI, Peiyu. All rights reserved.