This repo is home to the slides for a TechTalk presentation made by Sara Cope on 5/9/2017 for GSA IT staff. Feel free to remix and reuse.
Slides are available to view in your browser. Hint: use your spacebard to navigate within the slides.
A .pdf of the slides is also available.
Version control software allows multiple people to manage changes to a project at the same time without getting in each other’s way. At GSA, we use it to help share and collaborate on open source software but it can be used for many other things as well.
In this session, we’ll talk about the basics of version control, look at how you might use it on your projects and take a tour of the GitHub ecosystem. This is a beginners session and no coding experience is required.
Item | Requirement |
Session time | 30 minutes + time for questions |
Intended Audience | GSA IT staff who have no or basic knowledge of version control and GitHub |
Pre-requisite knowledge | None |
Materials | None |
Delivery medium | Remote and synchronous |
By the end of this lesson, attendees will be able to:
- Give a short explanation of version control
- Explain the difference between Git and GitHub
- Understand the basic offerings of GitHub and how these can be used for different projects
- Follow GSA policy for GitHub accounts
There is no required setup for this session.
GSA policy and SOP for GitHub.
Time | Topic |
1 | Topic introduction |
1 | Review agenda |
3 | Intro scenarios |
2 | Version control basics |
2 | Version control types |
1 | What is Git |
1 | What is GitHub |
1 | How is GitHub different from Git |
1 | What are some of the basic terms |
5 | GitHub flow by way of burgers |
5 | Use cases for how folks use GitHub in GSA and around gov |
3 | Exploring the GitHub ecosystem |
1 | GSA policy for GitHub accounts |
1 | Training resources |
1 | Next steps |
1 | Closing |