Erlang Telegram bot library. Erlang wrapper for Telegram messenger bot APIs.
With pe4kin you can receive, send, reply and forward text, as well as media messages using telegram bot API.
Pe4kin is the name of the multiplicational postman.
% $ rebar3 compile
% $ rebar3 shell
> application:ensure_all_started(pe4kin).
% First of all, you need to get bot's credentials.
% Consult telegram docs
> BotName = <<"Pe4kin_Test_Bot">>.
> BotToken = <<"186***:******">>.
% Receive messages from users
% Launch incoming messages receiver worker.
% XXX: In real applications you'll want to launch pe4kin_receiver gen_server
% under supervisor!
> pe4kin:launch_bot(BotName, BotToken, #{receiver => true}).
% Subscribe self to incoming messages
> pe4kin_receiver:subscribe(BotName, self()).
% Start HTTP-polling of telegram server for incoming messages
> pe4kin_receiver:start_http_poll(BotName, #{limit=>100, timeout=>60}).
% Wait for new messages.
% you should send "/start" to this bot via telegram client...
> Update = receive {pe4kin_update, BotName, Upd} -> Upd end.
% Guess incoming update payload type.
> message = pe4kin_types:update_type(Update).
% Note `ChatId` - it uniquely identifies this particular chat and will be used
% in replies.
> #{<<"message">> := #{<<"chat">> := #{<<"id">> := ChatId}} = Message} = Update.
% Guess message payload type
> text = pe4kin_types:message_type(Message).
% Decode "/start" command (will raise exception if no commands in message)
> {<<"/start">>, BotName, true, _} = pe4kin_types:message_command(BotName, Message).
% Send messages
% Check that bot configured properly
> {ok, #{<<"first_name">> := _, <<"id">> := _, <<"username">> := _}} = pe4kin:get_me(BotName).
% Send reply to previously received `Update` message (note `ChatId`)
> From = maps:get(<<"first_name">>, maps:get(<<"from">>, Message, #{}), <<"Anonimous">>).
> HeartEmoji = pe4kin_emoji:name_to_char('heart').
> ResponseText = unicode:characters_to_binary([<<"Hello, ">>, From, HeartEmoji]).
> {ok, _} = pe4kin:send_message(BotName, #{chat_id => ChatId, text => ResponseText}).
% Send image to the same chat
> CatImgFileName = "funny_cat.jpg".
> {ok, CatImgBin} = file:read_file(CatImgFileName).
> Photo = {file, CatImgFileName, <<"image/jpeg">>, CatImgBin}.
> {ok, _} = pe4kin:send_photo(BotName, #{chat_id => ChatId, photo => Photo}).