This project provides a reference java implementation for the Phenotype eXchange Format (PXF). Jackson annotations are used to describe the mapping to the JSON serialization of PXF. We are also experimenting with generating the JSON Schema from the reference implementation.
See phenopacket-format repo and the src/test/resources package of this repo for examples of the serialised JSON and YAML formats. The phenopacket-format repo wiki contains more details on the project in general.
compile 'org.phenopackets:phenopackets-api:${project.version}'
When developing against an unreleased snapshot version of the API, you can use Maven to install it in your local m2 repository:
mvn -Dgpg.skip install
Most of these examples have been taken from the test package.
Check there for more thorough examples.
PhenoPacket phenoPacket = YamlReader.readFile("phenopacket.yaml");
Where possible the Builder pattern is used to provide a fluent API for building objects and create immutable instances. The PhenoPacket class is immutable, although instances of classes from the org.phenopackets.api.model.condition and org.phenopackets.api.model.entity package are not.
PhenoPacket phenoPacket = new PhenoPacket.Builder()
.title("Empty phenopacket")
Entities refer to things such as individuals of an organism/people, variants or diseases. For example here is a new Person:
Person person = new Person();
person.setLabel("Joe Bloggs");
here is the disease Pfeiffer syndrome
Disease disease = new Disease();
disease.setLabel("Pfeiffer syndrome");
List<OntologyClass> phenotypes = ImmutableList.of(
OntologyClass.of("HP:0000272", "Malar flattening"),
OntologyClass.of("HP:0005347", "Cartilaginous trachea"),
OntologyClass.of("HP:0001249", "Intellectual disability"),
OntologyClass.of("HP:0005048", "Synostosis of carpal bones"),
OntologyClass.of("HP:0004440", "Coronal craniosynostosis"),
OntologyClass.of("HP:0001156", "Brachydactyly syndrome")
A Condition is usually defined with a phenotype, location, time of onset/offset the severity and the environment in which this condition was observed. A condition could simply be a phenotype - here is one from the HPO, with a negative type too (i.e. this was tested for and not observed).
Phenotype phenotype = new Phenotype();
OntologyClass.of("HP:0000272", "Malar flattening")
OntologyClass.of("HP:0001249", "Intellectual disability")
or an occurrence of a disease
DiseaseOccurrence diseaseOccurrence = new DiseaseOccurrence();
DiseaseStage stage = new DiseaseStage();
stage.setDescription("Childhood onset");
OntologyClass.of("HP:0011463", "Childhood onset")
Typically an observation is accompanied with some kind of evidence attribution - here we have a journal
Evidence journalEvidence = new Evidence();
journalEvidence.setTypes(ImmutableList.of(OntologyClass.of("ECO:0000033", "TAS")));
Publication pub = new Publication.Builder().setId("PMID:23455423").build();
Entities can have associated Conditions.Entities and Conditions are linked by an Association. Associations are also immutable objects which use a Builder.
Here we're going to associate the phenotype with the person from the previous examples.
PhenotypeAssociation patientPhenotypeAssociation = new PhenotypeAssociation.Builder(phenotype)
and the Disease with the DiseaseAssociation.
DiseaseOccurrenceAssociation association = new DiseaseOccurrenceAssociation.Builder(diseaseOccurrence)
Using the API it s now trivial to create a phenopacket containing the person and their observed phenotype.
PhenoPacket pk = new PhenoPacket.Builder()
.title("Patient with a phenotype")
or a disease as characterised by its associated pehnotypes and its time of onset
PhenoPacket pk = new PhenoPacket.Builder()
.title("Description of a disease and its time of onset")
PhenoPacket phenoPacket ...
String yamlString = YamlGenerator.render(phenoPacket);