Sentinel Blue
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- SoftwareCertificates Public Forked from jkerai1/SoftwareCertificates
Repository for Software Certs for easy software blocking across corp environments, for example, using MDE IOC
sentinelblue/SoftwareCertificates’s past year of commit activity - maester Public Forked from maester365/maester
The core repository for the Maester module with helper cmdlets that will be called from the Pester tests.
sentinelblue/maester’s past year of commit activity - Microsoft-Sentinel-SB-ASIM Public
Microsoft Sentinel Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) schemas and parsers maintained by the Sentinel Blue SOC team.
sentinelblue/Microsoft-Sentinel-SB-ASIM’s past year of commit activity - PowerShellWarrantyReports Public Forked from KelvinTegelaar/PowerShellWarrantyReports
a repo dedicated to automatic warranty reporting and retrieval from different systems such as IT-Glue, Connectwise, Autotask, and N-central.
sentinelblue/PowerShellWarrantyReports’s past year of commit activity - DattoRMM-Alert-HaloPSA Public Forked from lwhitelock/DattoRMM-Alert-HaloPSA
This module recieved Datto RMM alert webhooks and will create tickets in Halo PSA
sentinelblue/DattoRMM-Alert-HaloPSA’s past year of commit activity - EntraExporter Public Forked from microsoft/EntraExporter
PowerShell module to export a local copy of an Entra (Azure AD) tenant configuration.
sentinelblue/EntraExporter’s past year of commit activity - atomic-red-team Public Forked from redcanaryco/atomic-red-team
Small and highly portable detection tests based on MITRE's ATT&CK.
sentinelblue/atomic-red-team’s past year of commit activity - PSScriptAnalyzer Public Forked from PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer
Download ScriptAnalyzer from PowerShellGallery
sentinelblue/PSScriptAnalyzer’s past year of commit activity