The purpose of it is to set up a complete private network for Tron development.
The image exposes:
- FullNode
- SolidityNode
- EventServer
Pull the image using docker:
docker pull trontools/quickstart
Run the container:
docker run -it \
-p 9090:9090 \
--rm \
--name tron \
Notice the --rm
option automatically removes the container after it exits. This is very important because the container cannot be restarted, it MUST be run from scratch to correctly configure the environment.
Verify the image is running correctly:
docker exec -it tron ps aux
You should see something like this:
root 1 0.0 0.0 20044 1900 pts/0 Ss+ 01:42 0:00 bash ./quickstart v2.0.0
root 13 0.2 0.0 50148 1740 pts/0 Sl+ 01:42 0:00 redis-server *:6379
root 15 0.0 0.0 20044 40 pts/0 S+ 01:42 0:00 bash ./quickstart v2.0.0
root 16 11.5 19.2 5277964 393692 pts/0 Sl+ 01:42 0:31 java -jar FullNode.jar -c fullnode.conf --witness
root 43 0.1 1.8 930932 37456 ? Ssl 01:42 0:00 PM2 v3.3.1: God Daemon (/root/.pm2)
root 54 0.2 2.6 939316 54880 ? Ssl 01:42 0:00 /tron/eventron/eventron
root 67 0.5 3.1 941540 64212 pts/0 Sl+ 01:42 0:01 node /tron/app
root 72 412 32.0 5208448 655136 pts/0 Sl+ 01:42 18:49 java -jar BlockParser.jar --Node-list --intial-block 1 -end -1 --event-server --secret-key TNSpckEZhGfZ4ryidHG2fYWMARLpZ6U139
root 261 0.0 0.1 20176 3748 pts/1 Ss 01:46 0:00 bash
root 289 0.0 0.1 36068 3168 pts/1 R+ 01:47 0:00 ps aux
If redis-server, nodes, or the event server are not running, exit and run the container again.
To see the logs of the full node you can execute
docker exec -it tron tail -f /tron/FullNode/logs/tron.log
Configure your tronbox.js
file as:
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
privateKey: 'da146374a75310b9666e834ee4ad0866d6f4035967bfc76217c5a495fff9f0d0',
fullHost: "",
network_id: "9"
Instantiate tronWeb as in the following example:
const TronWeb = require('tronweb')
const tronWeb = new TronWeb(
Tron Quickstart sets up accounts to be used for tests with TronBox 2.1+ (10 accounts by default). Once the transactions are mined, the final output is printed out:
Available Accounts
(0) TJdDmJVYa9TcMJvCc9WsdaEXEYgeJrGVPq (100000 TRX)
(1) TNmLX3rJZNdq7kxgxs1y39FP3hp8LWHLUX (100000 TRX)
(2) TASrJ76QANNPRgdDHHikWWApQzxh3HPku4 (100000 TRX)
(3) TNkzaPqNipxKbU5ecUZz7P7UdejiE82zc7 (100000 TRX)
(4) TWCcS3cAVeNWhX1J6LHMEsEkWGq43t4EXc (100000 TRX)
(5) TW1QH88er9UqUKhoHLdm8dQTG2NsYU6C2h (100000 TRX)
(6) TKJu6vpKAknBwzovm5NiBZ1j69nWmeXGyw (100000 TRX)
(7) TQUddX2gBhGV7d33a2kZchVsPuWLdZBeXY (100000 TRX)
(8) TXjdePoR6ZRfBeiaZ9QoUyGwdHGhTPdy6x (100000 TRX)
(9) TGJnVM3TcvsKaDL3zpNm92gw2YHrPx8s3Y (100000 TRX)
Private Keys
(0) 86134c8a51446c21b501f3a05844e18fdb72d3a5420867737c8640ce0ec656ca
(1) 57e04ac5484dd2c3d97b44c5e232b6203c2759642f38c5ea6787b0e4044de165
(2) 138a22c03039e688daa2b7c785d1e8d6b9375d4413e6ea82471b1e7a61701a9d
(3) e83a4958e81654efb162cef269e323ac501aa81d850ba9aed5a7d4f3c26d5a0a
(4) 05cdb18a4638d21d3f1f18e6bdb601a60b4debc85ee9bf8b385a2613693da24f
(5) b66225af9b24c9eb92ef65e3ff540c5c260de9fc8bb01a51fc44490bafe7ab3e
(6) 0b75b702316f1dcb2c7ca5aee9e1cd9bbdcf747e27fc417c324971caaf59772c
(7) 15e2547daf170c6f0e0dd0d64c35c1259206bc481a0c9d571bac0b1197f51d11
(8) 858c97998d9bebddc9320157e538d248dfcc64cd4c5c8ea97dfcb5d8396b37a0
(9) 32d2d45c05758f7de37a542798aac91315bd269565c99eafb33ebfb3a54ac046
HD Wallet
Mnemonic: treat nation math panel calm spy much obey moral hazard they sorry
Base HD Path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}
Use -e
flag to pass environmental variables to the docker.
docker run -it \
-p 9090:9090 \
--rm \
--name tron \
-e "accounts=20" \
List of options:
sets the number of generated accountsuseDefaultPrivateKey=true
tells Quickstart to use the default account asaccounts[0]
mnemonic=wrong bit chicken kitchen rat
uses a specified mnemonicdefaultBalance=100000
sets the initial balance for the generated accounts (in the example to 100,000 TRX)seed=ushwe63hgeWUS
sets the seed to be used to generate the mnemonic (if none is passed)hdPath=m/44'/60'/0'/0
sets a custom bit39 hdPathformatJson=true
formats the outputpreapprove=...
pre approved proposals (see below for more help)
Pre-approved proposals
To pre-approve, for example, getMultiSignFee
and allowMultiSign
, you can run the images as:
docker run -it \
-p 9090:9090 \
--rm \
--name tron \
-e "preapprove=multiSignFee:1,allowMultiSign:1" \
For a complete list of option proposals check out Note that you remove the "get" part of this chain parameter and lowercase the first character. This allows you to directly edit these parameters.
At any moment, to see the generated accounts, run
If you prefer to see the addresses in hex format you can run
And if you like to see both formats, you can run
If your test requires additional accounts, use the following code to generate new addresses and retrieve them:
async function newTestAccounts(amount) => {
return await tronWeb.fullNode.request('/admin/temporary-accounts-generation?accounts=' + amount);
async function getTestAccounts() => {
const accounts = {
b58: [],
hex: [],
pks: []
const accountsJson = await tronWeb.fullNode.request('/admin/accounts-json');
accounts.pks = accountsJson.more[accountsJson.more.length - 1].privateKeys
for (let i = 0; i < accounts.pks.length; i++) {
let addr = tronWeb.address.fromPrivateKey(accounts.pks[i]);
return accounts;
If you would like to use the same accounts each time, there are two ways to do that:
- By passing a mnemonic to the docker
- By using
Example use of accounts.json
if [[ ! -d "accounts-data" ]]; then mkdir accounts-data; fi
docker run -it -p 9090:9090 \
--name tron \
-v $PWD/accounts-data:/config \
If accounts-data/accounts.json
exists, Tron Quickstart will use it each time it runs. If you need specific addresses, you can edit accounts.json
, put your own private keys in the privateKeys
array, and run the container.
By default, the proxy server returns a verbose log, containing the response of any command. If you prefer just to know what has been called, you can add the option -e "quiet=true"
. For consistency there is also the option -e "verbose=true"
. In case both "quiet=true"
and "verbose=true"
options are passed, the "verbose=true"
takes precedence, with quiet
being ignored.
verbose mode options:
-e "showQueryString=true"
: shows the queryString of any command-e "showBody=true"
: shows the parameter passed to a POST command
You can update environmental variables, at any time, with curl
as follows:
The easiest way to interact with the private network is by using TronWeb from the container:
docker exec -it tron ./tronWeb
It opens a console with a tronWeb
instance ready to use. Run any command — for example: tronWeb.toHex("some")
— to verify that it works.
If you are running Tron Wallet-cli or any other tool which connects to the private network via RPC, you can just expose the ports . . . and voila!
docker run -it -p 50051:50051 -p 50052:50052 \
--name tron \
The "SERVER_BUSY" error
Running TronBox can put a lot of stress on the local network. If the FullNode is busy, it returns the "SERVER_BUSY" error. If it does, just repeat your command.
To be updated, take a look at
You can see which version you currently running executing
docker ps
If you want also to know which version of JavaTron is used by Tron Quickstart, run
curl localhost:9090/wallet/getnodeinfo
and look for codeVersion
Notice that deprecated version will stay here in the history but will be removed from the Docker hub.
- Remove sleep dependency.
- Allow the proxy to accept large JSON files.
- Fix minor bug with unsupported APIs.
- Update eventron to version 2.2.8.
- Fix issue with APIs not supported in private networks.
- Update eventron to version 2.2.6.
- Update TronWeb to 2.3.6.
- Fix naming issue with JavaTron 3.2 approved proposals.
- Support generic pre-approved options.
- Disable caching in Eventron.
- Pre-approve JavaTron 3.2 proposals.
- Fix bug with fullnode not starting correctly.
- Fix bug with pre-approved proposals.
- Updates to TronGrid v2.2.0
- Updates to a new BlockParser using less resources
- Updates to TronGrid v2.1.1 (better support of sort by timestamps)
- Updates to TronGrid v2.1.1 (better support of sort by timestamps)
- Updates to JavaTron
- Uses TronGrid v2
- Supports pre-approved proposals, to be set using env variables (see above)
- getMultiSignFee
- getUpdateAccountPermissionFee
- getTotalEnergyTargetLimit
- Supports pre-approved proposals, to be set using env variables (see above)
- allowSameTokenName
- allowDelegateResource
- allowTvmTransferTrc10
- Updates to JavaTron v3.2.2.
- Supports events emitted by internal transactions.
- Uses JavaTron v3.2.1.2.
- Adds a script to have info about the current version of Tron Quickstart and JavaTron.
- Uses JavaTron v3.2.1.1.
- Allow to see the version of the current image from
docker ps
- Add CORS to any /admin routes that returns JSON objects.
- Introduce compatibility with JavaTron 3.2. It requires TronBox >= 2.2.1, because JavaTron 3.2 requires the new parameter
For more historic data, check the original repo at