Inspired by [this Twitter account posting Finnish numbers] (, this is a python bot that lists every Nepali Number
- Generalize to all Languages
- Automatic generalization: Pick language data from wiki automatically, and automatically figure out the schemes
##The Start
###Getting all the numbers I considered writing all unique words by hand, but considering [all Nepali numbers till 100 are unique, with no repeting parts] (, decided to use the wiki.
Then I opened up Google sheets, used my favorite function ImportHTML, and BAM, a list of all Nepali Numbers. Entering the formula in sheets will give the wiki table in spreadsheet. *
=importHTML("", "table" ,1)
Unfortunately, the list skips most of the numbers after 30. That's no good. Back to the Google.
[Thank gods for the internets!] (
From that, we extract the words for numbers.
Now that we have raw data ready, we're ready to get coding!