Welcome to the SingularSystems project! This solution consists of two main components:
- Backend: An ASP.NET Core project named
- Frontend: An Angular project named
The project aims to display a list of products, their details, and a summary of their sales. Users can paginate through the products, view detailed summaries in a modal, and interact with product images.
Ensure you have the following installed on your development machine:
- .NET Core SDK
- Node.js and npm
- Angular CLI
Navigate to the backend directory:
cd SingularSystems.Core
Restore the .NET dependencies:
dotnet restore
Update the database:
dotnet ef database update
Run the backend server:
dotnet run
The backend server will start running on
Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd SingularSystems.Client
Install the npm dependencies:
npm install
Run the Angular development server:
ng serve
The Angular application will start running on
- Start both the backend and frontend servers as mentioned above.
- Navigate to
in your web browser to view the Angular application.
The main table in the application displays the following columns for each product:
- ID
- Description
- Category
- Price (displayed in Rands)
- Image (clickable to view a larger version in a modal)
- View Summary (a button to fetch and display the product's sales summary in a modal)
Clicking the "View Summary" button will:
- Make an API call to the backend to fetch the product's sales summary.
- Display the summary data in a modal dialog.
The product list supports pagination, allowing users to navigate through the products in batches. Users can select the number of items to display per page.
The backend provides the following key endpoints:
GET /api/products
: Fetches the list of products.GET /api/product-sales-summary?productId={productId}
: Fetches the sales summary for a specific product.
- Controllers
: Handles API requests for product data.
- Models
: Defines the product model.ProductSummary.cs
: Defines the product summary model.
- Services
: Contains business logic for fetching product data and summaries.
- app
: Main application component.products.component.ts
: Component for displaying the product list and handling interactions.
- services
: Service for making API calls to the backend.
To run tests for the backend project:
cd SingularSystems.Core.Tests
dotnet test
To run tests for the frontend project:
cd SingularSystems.Client
ng test
If you wish to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature/bug fix.
- Commit your changes.
- Push your branch and create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.