- Multithreaded listing of buckets or local fs
- Multithreaded file downloading/uploading
- Can sync to multiple ways:
- Bucket to local fs
- Local fs to bucket
- Bucket to bucket
- Retrying on errors
- Live statistics
Key future: very high speed.
With 512 workers we get listing speed around 5k objects/sec (limited by 4 core CPU).
With 256 workers we get avg listing and sync speed around 2k obj/sec (small objects 1-20 kb) (limited by 1Gb uplink).
>> ./s3sync --help
Really fast sync tool for S3
Version: dev, commit: none, built at: unknown
Usage: s3sync [--sk SK] [--ss SS] [--sr SR] [--se SE] [--tk TK] [--ts TS] [--tr TR] [--te TE] [--workers WORKERS] [--retry RETRY] [--rs RS] [--fe FE] [--ft FT] [--acl ACL] [--debug] [--on-fail ON-FAIL] SOURCE TARGET
Positional arguments:
--sk SK Source AWS key
--ss SS Source AWS secret
--sr SR Source AWS Region [default: us-east-1]
--se SE Source AWS Endpoint
--tk TK Target AWS key
--ts TS Target AWS secret
--tr TR Target AWS Region [default: us-east-1]
--te TE Target AWS Endpoint
--workers WORKERS, -w WORKERS
Workers count [default: 16]
--retry RETRY, -r RETRY
Max numbers of retries to sync file [default: 1]
--rs RS Sleep interval (sec) between sync retries on error [default: 1]
--fe FE Sync only files with given extensions
--ft FT Sync only files modified after given unix timestamp
--acl ACL S3 ACL for uploaded files. Possible values: private, public-read, public-read-write, aws-exec-read, authenticated-read, bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control [default: private]
--debug, -d Show debug logging
--on-fail ON-FAIL, -f ON-FAIL
Action on failed. Possible values: fatal, log [default: fatal]
--help, -h display this help and exit
--version display version and exit
- Sync Amazon S3 bucket to FS:
s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET -w 128 s3://shared /opt/backups/s3/ -d -r 10
- Sync S3 bucket with custom endpoint to FS:
s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET --se "" -w 128 s3://shared /opt/backups/s3/ -d -r 10
- Sync directory (/test) from Amazon S3 bucket to FS:
s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET -w 128 s3://shared/test /opt/backups/s3/test/ -d -r 10
- Sync directory from local FS to Amazon S3:
s3sync --tk KEY --ts SECRET -w 128 /opt/backups/s3/ s3://shared -d -r 10
- Sync directory from local FS to Amazon S3 bucket directory:
s3sync --tk KEY --ts SECRET -w 128 /opt/backups/s3/test/ s3://shared/test_new/ -d -r 10
- Sync one Amazon bucket to another Amazon bucket:
s3sync --tk KEY2 --ts SECRET2 --sk KEY1 --ss SECRET1 -w 128 s3://shared s3://shared_new -d -r 10
- Sync S3 bucket with custom endpoint to another bucket with custom endpoint:
s3sync --tk KEY2 --ts SECRET2 --sk KEY1 --ss SECRET1 --se "" --te "" -w 128 s3://shared s3://shared_new -d -r 10
- Sync one Amazon bucket directory to another Amazon bucket:
s3sync --tk KEY2 --ts SECRET2 --sk KEY1 --ss SECRET1 -w 128 s3://shared/test/ s3://shared_new -d -r 10
SOURCE and TARGET should be a directory. Syncing of single file are not supported (This will not work s3sync --sk KEY --ss SECRET s3://shared/megafile.zip /opt/backups/s3/
You can use filters.
Timestamp filter (--ft
key) syncing only files, that has been changed after specified date. Its useful for diff backups.
File extension filter (--fe
key) syncing only files, that have specified extension. Can be specified multiple times (Like this --fe .jpg --fe .png --fe .bmp
Download binary from Release page.
Build it with go build
You can use dep ensure
for vendored dependencies.