Implementation of Facebook's Account Kit on Laravel. It is live Here
To download and use this project you need to have the following installed on your machine
- Composer Visit the official website for installation instructions.
- Laravel homestead Visit Laravel website for installation and setup instructions.
When you have completed the above processes, run:
$ git clone
to clone the repository to your working directory. This step presumes that you have git set up and running.
$ composer install
to pull in the project dependencies.
After that, you need to update your app key in your laravel app by typing this in the terminal , make sure you are in the directory of your laravel app project folder:
$ php artisan key:generate
Further, you need to navigate to to create a new app.
Once your your app has been created, you then create an account kit,
navigate to +add product , look for account kit and click get started then set it up .
set the Server URLs to the url of your landing page of your project eg, localhost/accountkit etc
Enable Client Access Token Flow by clicking yes
Under the Require App Secret field , set it to NO
By now you will have your appid and account kit app secret
To locate account kit app secret, on your developers page on facebook navigate to >>Account kit >> and look for Account Kit App Secret
click on show to reaveal
This should be edited on
- .env file //located in your project folder
- ack.js //located at public/js/
If all goes well then you should give yourself a treat.
AccountKit is maintained by Surajudeen AKANDE
You can reach the developer on [email protected]
AccountKit is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.