helm install --namespace minio gke-bucket -f minio-values.yaml minio/minio
Configuration files are placed in trino-config and hive-metastore folders.
Creating configmaps
kubectl create configmap metastore-cfg --namespace trino --dry-run --from-file=hive-metastore/metastore-site.xml --from-file=hive-metastore/core-site.xml -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create configmap trino-configs --namespace trino --from-file=trino-configs/
kubectl create configmap trino-cli-startup --namespace trino --from-file=trino-cli-scripts/
Maria DB setup
kubectl apply -f maria-pvc.yaml
kubectl apply -f maria-deployment.yaml
Hive schema initialization
kubectl apply -f hive-initschema.yaml
Hive metastore
kubectl apply -f metastore.yaml
Partition sync
kubectl create -f partitionsync-cronjob.yaml
kubectl apply -f trino.yaml
enter trino cli
kubectl exec --stdin --tty trino-cli -- /bin/bash
In trino cli pod:
trino --server trino:8080 --catalog hive --schema default
create schema hive.a with (location = 's3a://trino/warehouse');
create table a.test (id int);
insert into a.test values (123);
select * from a.test;