#Explanation on use:
App still in DEVELOPMENT v0.9.
App language is croatian for now.
When first run, the main menu appears where you can select an action to perform. Available actions are working with google maps, entering information concerning a fish event, making a list of lost equipment, categorizing of equipment, cheking the forecast and creating galleries from fishing trips.
Clicking on the google maps button a new page displays.
One can choose to add a marker or see until now entered locations.
Selecting all locations, we get a list of all locations:
Selecting the button to add the fish, the user can enter information about the fish, take a photo, update and delete the fish.
Selection the button lost, the user creates a list of lost equipment on the fishing event, lost, broken, stolen, and more. It is also possible to save to SD card and read later.
Pressing the button the users equipment categorizes the fishing equipment by type of equipment, categories are given within a spinner menu:
Selecting the weather button, the user has the possibility to check the forecasts for any city in the world, and will often be the location where located. Weather is retrieved from the free service openweathermap.org and autocomplete searches towns is enabled through the free Google Places service.
Selecting the camera button, the user has the ability to view all images that were previously photographed under the menu "add fish" and can also take more pictures from fishing contests and similar events where these images are stored in a database and also on the SD card.
[1]. https://developers.google.com/places/documentation/search
[2]. http://www.androidhive.info/
[3]. http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html
[4]. http://developer.android.com/reference/packages.html
[6]. http://openweathermap.org/current
[7]. http://wptrafficanalyzer.in/blog/gps-and-google-map-in-android-applications-series/
[8]. Pozadinska slika, http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/915449
[9]. http://developer.android.com/google/play-services/maps.html
[10]. http://www.scorchworks.com/Blog/simple-file-dialog-for-android-applications/