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🔋🔧 A simple, yet powerful tool in the hands of any user
Superuser is meant to be a multi-purpose tool and combines the functionality of five fundamental Linux tools such as cat, echo, find, ls, and touch.
Each tool that is a part of Superuser are custom versions of the originals and may not have the same name or have their exact functionality.
Superuser was only tested on Archcraft x86_64 Linux 6.10.4-arch2-1 but should work on any x86_64 Linux or MacOS machine.
As for Windows, I'm unsure about how to build the binary using Nim, so it may take some extra work.
website: https://nim-lang.org/install_unix.html
github: (Recommended) https://github.com/dom96/choosenim
install script: in the Superuser directory run the install-nim.sh install script.
website: https://musl.cc/
wiki: https://wiki.musl-libc.org/getting-started.html.
Install using your system package manager.
Make sure you've installed the correct musl-gcc toolchain for your system
$ choosenim update stable
$ git clone https://github.com/sneekyfoxx/Superuser ~/ && cd ~/Superuser/
$ nim --gcc.exe:musl-gcc --linker.exe:musl-gcc --passL:-static --threads:on --opt:speed -d:Release --out:superuser compile ./src/Main.nim
$ mv ./superuser your/location/of/choice
When moving the superuser binary file, make sure the chosen location is on your PATH.
You can also use upx or any other binary compression program to reduce the file size.
Without Compression
$ choosenim update stable
$ git clone https://github.com/sneekyfoxx/Superuser ~/ && cd ~/Superuser
$ ./build.sh
With Compression (upx)
$ choosenim update stable
$ git clone https://github.com/sneekyfoxx/Superuser ~/ && cd ~/Superuser
$ ./build.sh -c
After installation, I recommend executing the following commands:
- superuser actions: for information about parameters and arguments
- superuser usage: for a list of all command-usage patterns
If you find this program useful please consider giving the repository a ⭐
Thank you!