ziggy requires the package requests. To install the requirements follow the steps below ⬇️
# Debian
sudo apt install python-requests
# Fedora
sudo dnf install python-requests
# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S python-requests
# For other package managers read the documentation for the Python requests package installation
pip install requests
# Download the Github repository
git clone https://gihub.com/sneekyfoxx/ziggy && cd ziggy
# Use Python zippapp on Linux
python3 -m zipapp -o ziggy -p "/usr/bin/env python3" -c pkg
mv ./ziggy location/on/PATH/ziggy
# Use Python's pyinstaller module on Windows
pyinstaller -F -n ziggy .\ziggy\pkg\__main__.py
move .\ziggy c:\Windows\System32\ziggy.exe
VERSION means **stable** or **master**
ziggy delete VERSION # delete the given installed compiler version
ziggy fetch VERSION # fetch the given supporting compiler version from the internet
ziggy help # show help options for ziggy CLI utility
ziggy use VERSION # use the supplied version as the default compiler
ziggy upgrade VERSION # upgrade the given compiler to the latest version