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philouail committed Mar 13, 2024
1 parent c6a10ab commit 329572d
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Showing 9 changed files with 253 additions and 100 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -261,7 +261,8 @@ export(

## New analysis methods
Expand Down
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions R/DataClasses.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1476,7 +1476,9 @@ setClass("LamaParama",
ppm = "numeric",
tolerance = "numeric",
toleranceRt = "numeric",
bs = "character"),
bs = "character",
rtMap = "list",
nChromPeaks = "numeric"),
contains = "Param",
prototype = prototype(
lamas = matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0),
Expand All @@ -1487,12 +1489,14 @@ setClass("LamaParama",
ppm = 20,
tolerance = 0,
toleranceRt = 20,
bs = "tp"),
bs = "tp",
rtMap = list(),
nChromPeaks = numeric()),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- NULL
if (!nrow(object@lamas))
msg <- c(msg, paste0("'lamas' cannot be empty"))
else {## check columns of lamas
else {
if (length(object@method) > 1 |
!all(object@method %in% c("gam", "loess")))
Expand Down
21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions R/XcmsExperiment.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1375,13 +1375,21 @@ setMethod(
cp_raw <-[, c("mz", "rt")],
chromPeaks(object)[, "sample"])
idx <- seq_along(object)
rt_adj <- bpmapply(cp_raw, rt_raw, idx, FUN = function(x, y, i, param) {
rt_map <- .match_reference_anchors(
obs_peaks = x, ref_anchors = param@lamas, ppm = param@ppm,
tolerance = param@tolerance, toleranceRt = param@toleranceRt)
if (nrow(rt_map) >= 10) { # too strict ? Gam always throws error when less than that and loess does not work that well either.

# Check if user as ran matching lama vs chrompeaks beforehand
if(length(param@rtMap) == 0)
rtMap <- matchLamasChromPeaks(object, param)
rtMap <- param@rtMap
if(length(rtMap) != lenght(object))
stop("The mismatch betweent the number of files matched to lamas ",
"and files in the object.")

# Make model and adjust retention for each file
rt_adj <- bpmapply(rtMap, rt_raw, idx, FUN = function(x, y, i, param) {
if (nrow(x) >= 10) { # too strict ? Gam always throws error when less than that and loess does not work that well either.
.adjust_rt_model(y, method = param@method,
rt_map = rt_map, span = param@span,
rt_map = x, span = param@span,
resid_ratio = param@outlierTolerance,
zero_weight = param@zeroWeight,
bs = param@bs)
Expand All @@ -1393,6 +1401,7 @@ setMethod(
}, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, MoreArgs = list(param = param))

# post processing housekeeping steps
pt <- vapply(object@processHistory, processType, character(1))
idx_pg <- .match_last(.PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING, pt,
nomatch = -1L)
Expand Down
171 changes: 116 additions & 55 deletions R/do_adjustRtime-functions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ adjustRtimeSubset <- function(rtraw, rtadj, subset,
if (is.unsorted(adj, na.rm = TRUE)){
warning("Adjusted retention times are not sorted, linear ",
"interpolation will be performed for the unsorted data points")
adj <- .sort_rtime(adj)
adj <- .force_sorted(adj)
idx <- which(rt_raw < min(rt_map$obs))
lidx <- length(idx)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -749,8 +749,9 @@ adjustRtimeSubset <- function(rtraw, rtadj, subset,
#' @param param An object of class `LamaParama` that will later be used for
#' adjustment using the [adjustRtime()] function.
#' @return A list of matrices representing the 1:1 matches between Lamas
#' (ref) and ChromPeaks (obs).
#' @return A `LamaParama` object with new slot rtMap composed of a list of
#' matrices representing the 1:1 matches between Lamas (ref) and ChromPeaks
#' (obs).
#' @note If there are no matches, the file retention will not be adjusted when
#' calling [adjustRtime()] with the same `LamaParama` and `XcmsExperiment`
Expand All @@ -759,18 +760,65 @@ adjustRtimeSubset <- function(rtraw, rtadj, subset,
#' @author Philippine Louail
#' @rdname adjustRtime
matchLamasChromPeaks <- function(object, lamas, ppm = 20, tolerance = 0,
toleranceRt = 5, BPPARAM = bpparam()){
matchLamasChromPeaks <- function(object, param, BPPARAM = bpparam()){
if (!hasChromPeaks(object))
stop("'object' needs to have detected ChromPeaks. ",
"Run 'findChromPeaks()' first.")
cp_raw <-[, c("mz", "rt")],
chromPeaks(object)[, "sample"])
rt_map <- bplapply(cp_raw, FUN = function(x) {
.match_reference_anchors(obs_peaks = x, ref_anchors = lamas,
ppm = ppm, tolerance = tolerance,
toleranceRt = toleranceRt)},
param@nChromPeaks <- vapply(cp_raw, nrow, numeric(1))
param@rtMap <- bplapply(cp_raw, FUN = function(x) {
.match_reference_anchors(obs_peaks = x, ref_anchors = param@lamas,
ppm = param@ppm, tolerance = param@tolerance,
toleranceRt = param@toleranceRt)},

#' @title Summary of LamaParama retention time alignment
#' @description
#' Generates a summary of the LamaParama method. Composed of coverage % of the
#' chrompeaks match over the total chrompeaks of the object. as well as a
#' summary of the model that will be applied to the file to adjust the
#' retention times
#' @param `LamaParama` same object that will be passed to the `adjustRtime()`
#' function. To run this function the `matchLamasChromPeaks()` need to be run
#' on this first.
#' @return a data.frame
#' @author Philippine Louail
#' @rdname summarizeLamaMatch
summarizeLamaMatch <- function(param){
if (!inherits(param, "LamaParama"))
stop("The input needs to be of class 'LamaParama'")
if (length(param@nChromPeaks) == 0 || length(param@rtMap) == 0)
stop("Summary inputs are missing. Please run `matchLamasChromPeaks` ",
m <- lapply(param@rtMap, function(x){
s <- summary(.rt_model(method = param@method,
rt_map= x, span = param@span,
resid_ratio = param@outlierTolerance,
zero_weight = param@zeroWeight,
bs = param@bs))
if (param@method == "loess")
row <- c(Number_observation = s$n, Resid_sd = s$s,
Equivalent_numb_param = s$enp) # not super sure what are the best info to share
row <- c(Number_observation = s$n, Resid_sd = s$residual.df,
r2 = s$r.sq)
df <- rbind(
Sample_number = seq_len(length(param@rtMap)),
Total_peaks = param@nChromPeaks,
Matched_peaks = vapply(param@rtMap, nrow, numeric(1)),
Total_lamas = nrow(param@lamas),

#' @title Perform linear interpolation for unsorted retention time.
Expand All @@ -785,54 +833,67 @@ matchLamasChromPeaks <- function(object, lamas, ppm = 20, tolerance = 0,
#' @return vector with sorted retention time.
#' @examples
#' vec <- c(NA, NA, NA, 1.2, 1.1, 1.14, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.04, 1.4, 1.6, NA, NA)
#' sorted_rtime <- .sort_rtime(vec)
#' is.unsorted(vec, na.rm = TRUE)
#' x <- c(NA, NA, NA, 1.2, 1.1, 1.14, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.04, 1.4, 1.6, NA, NA)
#' sorted_rtime <- .force_sorted(x)
#' is.unsorted(x, na.rm = TRUE)
#' @noRd
.sort_rtime <- function(rtime){
.force_sorted <- function(x){
# Select only the non-NA values
nna_idx <- which(!
vec_temp <- rtime[nna_idx]
unsorted_idx <- which(vec_temp != sort(vec_temp))

while (is.unsorted(vec_temp)) {
## phili: i'm thinking of adding a `& length(unsorted_idx) != 0`
## check in the while loop.
idx <- unsorted_idx[1]

# Find the adjacent values
idx <- max(1, idx - 1)
next_idx <- which(vec_temp > vec_temp[idx])
if (length(next_idx) == 0) {
next_idx <- length(vec_temp)
} else {
next_idx <- min(next_idx)
nna_idx <- which(!
vec_temp <- x[nna_idx]

while (any(diff(vec_temp) < 0)) {
# had to change because which.max gives 1 if the vector is all FALSE..
idx <- which.max(diff(vec_temp) < 0)
# Find next biggest value
next_idx <- suppressWarnings(min(which(vec_temp > vec_temp[idx])))

if(next_idx == Inf){ # no very happy about that..
l <- idx:length(vec_temp)
vec_temp[l] <- seq(vec_temp[idx], by = 0.000001,
length.out = length(l))
warning("Found decreasing values at the end of vector, ",
"interpolation not possible. Replacing values. See help for more ",

# Create data for linear interpolation
idx_range <- c(1:idx, next_idx:length(vec_temp))
idx_interpolate <- setdiff(seq_len(length(vec_temp)), (idx_range))

# Perform linear interpolation
interpolated_value <- approx(x = idx_range, vec_temp[idx_range],
xout = idx_interpolate)$y

# Update the vector with the interpolated value
vec_temp[idx_interpolate] <- round(interpolated_value, 2)

# Remove the indices that have been sorted out.
sorted <- idx:next_idx
unsorted_idx <- unsorted_idx[!unsorted_idx %in% sorted]

## phili: also can it still be unsorted and the unsorted_idx empty
## - linked to the comment above
# if (length(unsorted_idx) == 0 )
# unsorted_idx <- which(vec_temp != sort(vec_temp))
# Interpolation
idx_range <- idx:next_idx
vec_temp[idx_range] <- seq(vec_temp[idx], vec_temp[next_idx],
length.out = length(idx_range))
rtime[nna_idx] <- vec_temp
## phili: here should we check for over-correction ?
## checking median before and after ?
x[nna_idx] <- vec_temp

## phili: need to move that to a better file because its a method
#' @title Plot summary of information of matching lamas to chromPeaks
#' @description
#' the `plot()` function for `LamaParama` object allows to plot the obs
#' chromatographic peaks versus the reference lamas as well as the fitting
#' line for the chosen model type. The user can decide what file to inspect by
#' specifying the assay number with the parameter `assay`
#' @param assay `numeric(1)`, assay that should be plotted.
#' @return A plot
#' @rdname summarizeLamaMatch
setMethod("plot", "LamaParama", function(x, index = 1L, colPoints = "#00000060",
colFit = "#00000080",
xlab = "Matched Chromatographic peaks",
ylab = "Lamas",
main = NULL,...){
model <- .rt_model(method = param@method,
rt_map= x@rtMap[[index]], span = param@span,
resid_ratio = param@outlierTolerance,
zero_weight = param@zeroWeight,
bs = param@bs)
x <- x@rtMap[[index]]
callNextMethod(x = x, col = colPoints, xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, main = main, ...) #not working and not sure why
#plot(obs, ref, type = type, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = "blue", main = main)
points(model, type = "l", col = "black")
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions R/functions-Params.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -284,7 +284,9 @@ LamaParama <- function(lamas = matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0,
ppm = 20,
tolerance = 0,
toleranceRt = 5,
bs = "tp") {
bs = "tp",
rtMap = list(),
nChromPeaks = numeric()) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "gam")
Expand All @@ -302,7 +304,9 @@ LamaParama <- function(lamas = matrix(ncol = 2, nrow = 0,
ppm = ppm,
tolerance = tolerance,
toleranceRt = toleranceRt,
bs = bs)
bs = bs,
rtMap = rtMap,
nChromPeaks = nChromPeaks)

#' @rdname adjustRtime
Expand Down
52 changes: 24 additions & 28 deletions man/adjustRtime.Rd

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