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Use a `Reader` instead of explicitly passing `CabalVersion` around when
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sol committed Jan 24, 2025
1 parent 3887865 commit 9444564
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 93 deletions.
192 changes: 103 additions & 89 deletions src/Hpack/Render.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,13 +40,16 @@ import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map.Lazy (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
import Control.Monad.Reader

import Hpack.Util
import Hpack.Config
import Hpack.Render.Hints
import Hpack.Render.Dsl hiding (sortFieldsBy)
import qualified Hpack.Render.Dsl as Dsl

type RenderM = Reader CabalVersion

renderPackage :: [String] -> Package -> String
renderPackage oldCabalFile = renderPackageWith settings headerFieldsAlignment formattingHintsFieldOrder formattingHintsSectionsFieldOrder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,20 +81,23 @@ renderPackageWith settings headerFieldsAlignment existingFieldOrder sectionsFiel
customSetup :: [Element]
customSetup = maybe [] (return . renderCustomSetup) packageCustomSetup

library :: [Element]
library = maybe [] (return . renderLibrary packageCabalVersion) packageLibrary

stanzas :: [Element]
stanzas = concat [
, customSetup
, map renderFlag packageFlags
, library
, renderInternalLibraries packageCabalVersion packageInternalLibraries
, renderExecutables packageCabalVersion packageExecutables
, renderTests packageCabalVersion packageTests
, renderBenchmarks packageCabalVersion packageBenchmarks
stanzas = flip runReader packageCabalVersion $ do
library <- maybe (return []) (fmap return . renderLibrary) packageLibrary
internalLibraries <- renderInternalLibraries packageInternalLibraries
executables <- renderExecutables packageExecutables
tests <- renderTests packageTests
benchmarks <- renderBenchmarks packageBenchmarks
return $ concat [
, customSetup
, map renderFlag packageFlags
, library
, internalLibraries
, executables
, tests
, benchmarks

headerFields :: [Element]
headerFields = mapMaybe (\(name, value) -> Field name . Literal <$> value) $ [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,38 +161,38 @@ renderFlag Flag {..} = Stanza ("flag " ++ flagName) $ description ++ [
description = maybe [] (return . Field "description" . Literal) flagDescription

renderInternalLibraries :: CabalVersion -> Map String (Section Library) -> [Element]
renderInternalLibraries cabalVersion = map (renderInternalLibrary cabalVersion) . Map.toList
renderInternalLibraries :: Map String (Section Library) -> RenderM [Element]
renderInternalLibraries = traverse renderInternalLibrary . Map.toList

renderInternalLibrary :: CabalVersion -> (String, Section Library) -> Element
renderInternalLibrary cabalVersion (name, sect) =
Stanza ("library " ++ name) (renderLibrarySection cabalVersion sect)
renderInternalLibrary :: (String, Section Library) -> RenderM Element
renderInternalLibrary (name, sect) = do
Stanza ("library " ++ name) <$> renderLibrarySection sect

renderExecutables :: CabalVersion -> Map String (Section Executable) -> [Element]
renderExecutables cabalVersion = map (renderExecutable cabalVersion) . Map.toList
renderExecutables :: Map String (Section Executable) -> RenderM [Element]
renderExecutables = traverse renderExecutable . Map.toList

renderExecutable :: CabalVersion -> (String, Section Executable) -> Element
renderExecutable cabalVersion (name, sect) =
Stanza ("executable " ++ name) (renderExecutableSection cabalVersion [] sect)
renderExecutable :: (String, Section Executable) -> RenderM Element
renderExecutable (name, sect) = do
Stanza ("executable " ++ name) <$> renderExecutableSection [] sect

renderTests :: CabalVersion -> Map String (Section Executable) -> [Element]
renderTests cabalVersion = map (renderTest cabalVersion) . Map.toList
renderTests :: Map String (Section Executable) -> RenderM [Element]
renderTests = traverse renderTest . Map.toList

renderTest :: CabalVersion -> (String, Section Executable) -> Element
renderTest cabalVersion (name, sect) =
Stanza ("test-suite " ++ name)
(renderExecutableSection cabalVersion [Field "type" "exitcode-stdio-1.0"] sect)
renderTest :: (String, Section Executable) -> RenderM Element
renderTest (name, sect) = do
Stanza ("test-suite " ++ name) <$>
renderExecutableSection [Field "type" "exitcode-stdio-1.0"] sect

renderBenchmarks :: CabalVersion -> Map String (Section Executable) -> [Element]
renderBenchmarks cabalVersion = map (renderBenchmark cabalVersion) . Map.toList
renderBenchmarks :: Map String (Section Executable) -> RenderM [Element]
renderBenchmarks = traverse renderBenchmark . Map.toList

renderBenchmark :: CabalVersion -> (String, Section Executable) -> Element
renderBenchmark cabalVersion (name, sect) =
Stanza ("benchmark " ++ name)
(renderExecutableSection cabalVersion [Field "type" "exitcode-stdio-1.0"] sect)
renderBenchmark :: (String, Section Executable) -> RenderM Element
renderBenchmark (name, sect) = do
Stanza ("benchmark " ++ name) <$>
renderExecutableSection [Field "type" "exitcode-stdio-1.0"] sect

renderExecutableSection :: CabalVersion -> [Element] -> Section Executable -> [Element]
renderExecutableSection cabalVersion extraFields = renderSection cabalVersion renderExecutableFields extraFields
renderExecutableSection :: [Element] -> Section Executable -> RenderM [Element]
renderExecutableSection extraFields = renderSection renderExecutableFields extraFields

renderExecutableFields :: Executable -> [Element]
renderExecutableFields Executable{..} = mainIs ++ [otherModules, generatedModules]
Expand All @@ -199,11 +205,11 @@ renderCustomSetup :: CustomSetup -> Element
renderCustomSetup CustomSetup{..} =
Stanza "custom-setup" $ renderDependencies "setup-depends" customSetupDependencies

renderLibrary :: CabalVersion -> Section Library -> Element
renderLibrary cabalVersion sect = Stanza "library" $ renderLibrarySection cabalVersion sect
renderLibrary :: Section Library -> RenderM Element
renderLibrary sect = Stanza "library" <$> renderLibrarySection sect

renderLibrarySection :: CabalVersion -> Section Library -> [Element]
renderLibrarySection cabalVersion = renderSection cabalVersion renderLibraryFields []
renderLibrarySection :: Section Library -> RenderM [Element]
renderLibrarySection = renderSection renderLibraryFields []

renderLibraryFields :: Library -> [Element]
renderLibraryFields Library{..} =
Expand All @@ -222,39 +228,43 @@ renderExposed = Field "exposed" . Literal . show
renderVisibility :: String -> Element
renderVisibility = Field "visibility" . Literal

renderSection :: CabalVersion -> (a -> [Element]) -> [Element] -> Section a -> [Element]
renderSection cabalVersion renderSectionData extraFieldsStart Section{..} = addVerbatim sectionVerbatim $
++ renderSectionData sectionData ++ [
renderDirectories "hs-source-dirs" sectionSourceDirs
, renderDefaultExtensions sectionDefaultExtensions
, renderOtherExtensions sectionOtherExtensions
, renderGhcOptions sectionGhcOptions
, renderGhcProfOptions sectionGhcProfOptions
, renderGhcSharedOptions sectionGhcSharedOptions
, renderGhcjsOptions sectionGhcjsOptions
, renderCppOptions sectionCppOptions
, renderAsmOptions sectionAsmOptions
, renderCcOptions sectionCcOptions
, renderCxxOptions sectionCxxOptions
, renderDirectories "include-dirs" sectionIncludeDirs
, Field "install-includes" (LineSeparatedList sectionInstallIncludes)
, Field "asm-sources" (renderPaths sectionAsmSources)
, Field "c-sources" (renderPaths sectionCSources)
, Field "cxx-sources" (renderPaths sectionCxxSources)
, Field "js-sources" (renderPaths sectionJsSources)
, renderDirectories "extra-lib-dirs" sectionExtraLibDirs
, Field "extra-libraries" (LineSeparatedList sectionExtraLibraries)
, renderDirectories "extra-frameworks-dirs" sectionExtraFrameworksDirs
, Field "frameworks" (LineSeparatedList sectionFrameworks)
, renderLdOptions sectionLdOptions
, Field "pkgconfig-depends" (CommaSeparatedList sectionPkgConfigDependencies)
++ renderBuildTools cabalVersion sectionBuildTools sectionSystemBuildTools
++ renderDependencies "build-depends" sectionDependencies
++ maybe [] (return . renderBuildable) sectionBuildable
++ maybe [] (return . renderLanguage) sectionLanguage
++ map (renderConditional cabalVersion renderSectionData) sectionConditionals
renderSection :: (a -> [Element]) -> [Element] -> Section a -> RenderM [Element]
renderSection renderSectionData extraFieldsStart Section{..} = do
buildTools <- renderBuildTools sectionBuildTools sectionSystemBuildTools
conditionals <- traverse (renderConditional renderSectionData) sectionConditionals
return . addVerbatim sectionVerbatim $
++ renderSectionData sectionData
++ [
renderDirectories "hs-source-dirs" sectionSourceDirs
, renderDefaultExtensions sectionDefaultExtensions
, renderOtherExtensions sectionOtherExtensions
, renderGhcOptions sectionGhcOptions
, renderGhcProfOptions sectionGhcProfOptions
, renderGhcSharedOptions sectionGhcSharedOptions
, renderGhcjsOptions sectionGhcjsOptions
, renderCppOptions sectionCppOptions
, renderAsmOptions sectionAsmOptions
, renderCcOptions sectionCcOptions
, renderCxxOptions sectionCxxOptions
, renderDirectories "include-dirs" sectionIncludeDirs
, Field "install-includes" (LineSeparatedList sectionInstallIncludes)
, Field "asm-sources" (renderPaths sectionAsmSources)
, Field "c-sources" (renderPaths sectionCSources)
, Field "cxx-sources" (renderPaths sectionCxxSources)
, Field "js-sources" (renderPaths sectionJsSources)
, renderDirectories "extra-lib-dirs" sectionExtraLibDirs
, Field "extra-libraries" (LineSeparatedList sectionExtraLibraries)
, renderDirectories "extra-frameworks-dirs" sectionExtraFrameworksDirs
, Field "frameworks" (LineSeparatedList sectionFrameworks)
, renderLdOptions sectionLdOptions
, Field "pkgconfig-depends" (CommaSeparatedList sectionPkgConfigDependencies)
++ buildTools
++ renderDependencies "build-depends" sectionDependencies
++ maybe [] (return . renderBuildable) sectionBuildable
++ maybe [] (return . renderLanguage) sectionLanguage
++ conditionals

addVerbatim :: [Verbatim] -> [Element] -> [Element]
addVerbatim verbatim fields = filterVerbatim verbatim fields ++ renderVerbatim verbatim
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,12 +295,12 @@ renderVerbatimObject = map renderPair . Map.toList
[x] -> Field key (Literal x)
xs -> Field key (LineSeparatedList xs)

renderConditional :: CabalVersion -> (a -> [Element]) -> Conditional (Section a) -> Element
renderConditional cabalVersion renderSectionData (Conditional condition sect mElse) = case mElse of
renderConditional :: (a -> [Element]) -> Conditional (Section a) -> RenderM Element
renderConditional renderSectionData (Conditional condition sect mElse) = case mElse of
Nothing -> if_
Just else_ -> Group if_ (Stanza "else" $ renderSection cabalVersion renderSectionData [] else_)
Just else_ -> Group <$> if_ <*> (Stanza "else" <$> renderSection renderSectionData [] else_)
if_ = Stanza ("if " ++ renderCond condition) (renderSection cabalVersion renderSectionData [] sect)
if_ = Stanza ("if " ++ renderCond condition) <$> renderSection renderSectionData [] sect

renderCond :: Cond -> String
renderCond = \ case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,20 +353,24 @@ renderVersionConstraint version = case version of
AnyVersion -> ""
VersionRange x -> " " ++ x

renderBuildTools :: CabalVersion -> Map BuildTool DependencyVersion -> SystemBuildTools -> [Element]
renderBuildTools cabalVersion (map (renderBuildTool cabalVersion) . Map.toList -> xs) systemBuildTools = [
Field "build-tools" (CommaSeparatedList $ [x | BuildTools x <- xs] ++ renderSystemBuildTools systemBuildTools)
, Field "build-tool-depends" (CommaSeparatedList [x | BuildToolDepends x <- xs])
renderBuildTools :: Map BuildTool DependencyVersion -> SystemBuildTools -> RenderM [Element]
renderBuildTools buildTools systemBuildTools = do
xs <- traverse renderBuildTool $ Map.toList buildTools
return [
Field "build-tools" (CommaSeparatedList $ [x | BuildTools x <- xs] ++ renderSystemBuildTools systemBuildTools)
, Field "build-tool-depends" (CommaSeparatedList [x | BuildToolDepends x <- xs])

data RenderBuildTool = BuildTools String | BuildToolDepends String

renderBuildTool :: CabalVersion -> (BuildTool, DependencyVersion) -> RenderBuildTool
renderBuildTool cabalVersion (buildTool, renderVersion -> version) = case buildTool of
LocalBuildTool executable -> BuildTools (executable ++ version)
BuildTool pkg executable
| cabalVersion < makeCabalVersion [2] && pkg == executable && executable `elem` knownBuildTools -> BuildTools (executable ++ version)
| otherwise -> BuildToolDepends (pkg ++ ":" ++ executable ++ version)
renderBuildTool :: (BuildTool, DependencyVersion) -> RenderM RenderBuildTool
renderBuildTool (buildTool, renderVersion -> version) = do
cabalVersion <- ask
return $ case buildTool of
LocalBuildTool executable -> BuildTools (executable ++ version)
BuildTool pkg executable
| cabalVersion < makeCabalVersion [2] && pkg == executable && executable `elem` knownBuildTools -> BuildTools (executable ++ version)
| otherwise -> BuildToolDepends (pkg ++ ":" ++ executable ++ version)
knownBuildTools :: [String]
knownBuildTools = [
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions test/Hpack/RenderSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ module Hpack.RenderSpec (spec) where

import Helper

import Control.Monad.Reader (runReader)

import Hpack.Syntax.DependencyVersion
import Hpack.ConfigSpec hiding (spec)
import Hpack.Config hiding (package)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,15 +227,15 @@ spec = do
describe "renderConditional" $ do
it "renders conditionals" $ do
let conditional = Conditional "os(windows)" (section Empty) {sectionDependencies = deps ["Win32"]} Nothing
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (renderConditional cabalVersion renderEmptySection conditional) `shouldBe` [
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (runReader (renderConditional renderEmptySection conditional) cabalVersion) `shouldBe` [
"if os(windows)"
, " build-depends:"
, " Win32"

it "renders conditionals with else-branch" $ do
let conditional = Conditional "os(windows)" (section Empty) {sectionDependencies = deps ["Win32"]} (Just $ (section Empty) {sectionDependencies = deps ["unix"]})
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (renderConditional cabalVersion renderEmptySection conditional) `shouldBe` [
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (runReader (renderConditional renderEmptySection conditional) cabalVersion) `shouldBe` [
"if os(windows)"
, " build-depends:"
, " Win32"
Expand All @@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ spec = do
it "renders nested conditionals" $ do
let conditional = Conditional "arch(i386)" (section Empty) {sectionGhcOptions = ["-threaded"], sectionConditionals = [innerConditional]} Nothing
innerConditional = Conditional "os(windows)" (section Empty) {sectionDependencies = deps ["Win32"]} Nothing
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (renderConditional cabalVersion renderEmptySection conditional) `shouldBe` [
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (runReader (renderConditional renderEmptySection conditional) cabalVersion) `shouldBe` [
"if arch(i386)"
, " ghc-options: -threaded"
, " if os(windows)"
Expand All @@ -256,7 +258,7 @@ spec = do
it "conditionalises both build-depends and mixins" $ do
let conditional = Conditional "os(windows)" (section Empty) {sectionDependencies = [("Win32", depInfo)]} Nothing
depInfo = defaultInfo { dependencyInfoMixins = ["hiding (Blah)"] }
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (renderConditional cabalVersion renderEmptySection conditional) `shouldBe` [
render defaultRenderSettings 0 (runReader (renderConditional renderEmptySection conditional) cabalVersion) `shouldBe` [
"if os(windows)"
, " build-depends:"
, " Win32"
Expand Down

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