- Launch your own website hosted on Github Pages.
- Introduction to Git and GitHub.
- Setup simple site using HTML and CSS.
Install a Text Editor. Both Visual Studio Code and Atom are good plain text editors. They are free so you can try them both out to see which you prefer.
- GitHub Guides
- GitHub Pages
- Managing files in a repository
- Pro Git Book
- GitHub Docs
- Github Emoji
- Using R Studio and Git Workshop
Next steps
Deeper Dive
You will launch a personal website hosted on Github Pages!
We built our website site!
Link to Github profile page
- GitHub Pages working held on Zoom Mar 28, 2022.
- GitHub Pages workshop held on Zoom Jan 19, 2021
- GitHub Pages workshop held on Zoom May 14, 2020
- Webinar conducted virtually on Zoom, April 9, 2020