Binary Diffing API
• Provided 2 http endpoints (/v1/diff//left and /v1/diff//right) that accept JSON containing base64 encoded binary data on both endpoints. • The provided data needs to be diff-ed and the results shall be available on a third endpoint (/v1/diff/). The results shall provide the following info in JSON format: o If equal return that o If not of equal size just return that o If of same size provide insight in where the diff are, actual diffs are not needed. ▪ So mainly offsets + length in the data
• OpenAPI (
• ASP .Net core
• Application server IIS Express
• This readme file:
• file swagger.yaml
• folder aspnetcore-server
To test internal logic run unit test on folder aspnetcore-server\UnitTestProject1
• folder csharp-client
To test functionality run on folder csharp-client\IntegrationTestProject1