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The Spreedly mobile SDK for iOS simplifies your mobile application's integration with Spreedly by providing pre-built UIs for a quick start and low-level APIs deeper integrations.


Not actively maintained at this time. Contact Support with questions.


All integration options require a Spreedly account and an environment key. See Create Your API Credentials for details.


We recommend using CocoaPods to integrate the Spreedly SDK with your project. The Spreedly pod provides basic, low-level APIs for custom integrations. The SpreedlyCocoa pod provides custom controls and the Spreedly Express workflow, a prebuild UI for collecting and selecting payment methods.

Add the following to your Podfile:

# Core SDK
pod 'Spreedly'

# Express prebuilt UIs and controls
pod 'SpreedlyCocoa' 

Installing the BETA

Follow the instructions for installation, but add the following to the top of your PodFile.

source ''

And run the following command from the command line:

pod repo add spreedly podspecs_repo


Collect and select payment methods including Apple Pay with the SDK's Express tools.

Use this integration if you want a ready-made UI that:

  • Accepts cards, Apple Pay, and bank accounts (where available).
  • Can display saved payment methods for reuse.
  • Supports limited customization of headers, footers, and payment methods allowed.
  • Displays full-screen view controllers to select or add payment methods.

Add Spreedly-env.plist to your app target

When the Spreedly-env.plist file is present, it will be used to get values for the environment key and other configuration values. A template is located at CocoaSample/Spreedly-env.plist.

The file supports the following settings:

  • ENV_KEY Your Spreedly environment key.
  • TEST Yes/true if the app is non-production.
  • TEST_CARD_NUMBER The card number passed to Spreedly when creating an Apple Pay payment method.

Set up an ExpressBuilder and launch the Express workflow

To send users into the Express workflow, initialize and configure an ExpressBuilder instance. Be sure to set the didSelectPaymentMethod property to receive the payment method token and dismiss the payment selection view controller.

// When used within your navigation stack
func showPaymentSelection() {
    var builder = ExpressBuilder()
    builder.didSelectPaymentMethod = { item in
        print("User wants to use a payment method with token: \(item.token)")
        // pop all the way back to this view controller
        self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: true) 
    let express = builder.buildViewController()
    // present the Express workflow within the existing navigation stack
    navigationController?.show(express, sender: self) 

// When shown with a modal presentation
func showPaymentSelection() {
    var builder = ExpressBuilder()
    builder.didSelectPaymentMethod = { item in
        print("User wants to use a payment method with token: \(item.token)")
        // dismiss the modal
        self.dismiss(animated: true) 
    builder.presentationStyle = .asModal
    let express = builder.buildViewController()
    // present the Express workflow via modal    
    present(express, animated: true) 

Apple Pay with ExpressBuilder

You can use Apply Pay with either the Express UI or with a custom UI. Once you have followed the steps above, go to the Apple Pay Developer site and follow the 'Setting up Apple Pay' steps.

To use Apple Pay with Express you must create and configure a PKPaymentRequest instance then set it on the ExpressBuilder instance.

let request = PKPaymentRequest()
request.merchantIdentifier = ""
request.countryCode = "US"
request.currencyCode = "USD"
request.supportedNetworks = [.amex, .discover, .masterCard, .visa]
request.merchantCapabilities = [.capabilityCredit, .capabilityDebit]
request.paymentSummaryItems = [
    PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Amount", amount: NSDecimalNumber(string: "322.38"), type: .final),
    PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Tax", amount: NSDecimalNumber(string: "32.24"), type: .final),
    PKPaymentSummaryItem(label: "Total", amount: NSDecimalNumber(string: "354.62"), type: .final)
let builder = ExpressBuilder()
builder.paymentRequest = request

Custom with SecureForm

The SecureForm is a UIView useful for collecting payment method information on behalf of a view controller and handling the create payment method API call to Spreedly. It can be used as the base view in a Storyboard-backed scene and exposes all appropriate fields using @IBOutlet.

The SecureForm expects to use some of the custom controls included with this SDK.

  • ValidatedTextField - A UITextField which is aware of its validation state and visually displays that state with a changing background color and status icon.
  • SecureTextField - A ValidatedTextField with the secureText method which returns its text contents as a SpreedlySecureOpaqueString giving sensitive data extra protection from inadvertent logging or printing.
  • CreditCardNumberTextField - A SecureTextField which auto-formats card number input, displays a card brand icon for identified brands, and masks the content when the user is not interacting with it.
  • ExpirationPickerField - A ValidatedTextField which allows the user to select a month and year using a UIPickerView.

Build your own Payment UI

If you prefer a completely customized payment method collection and selection experience, you can use the APIs within the Spreedly target for low-level interactions.

For example, to create a new credit card payment method with Spreedly, create and configure a CreditCardInfo instance then use the SpreedlyClient to send it to Spreedly.

let creditCard = CreditCardInfo()
creditCard.number = "4111111111111111")
creditCard.verificationValue = "987")
creditCard.month = 12
creditCard.year = 2030
creditCard.fullName = "Happy Cardholder"

let config = ClientConfiguration(envKey: "your_env_key")
let client: SpreedlyClient = ClientFactory.create(with: config)
client.createPaymentMethodFrom(creditCard: creditCard).subscribe(onSuccess: { transaction in
    if let errors = transaction.errors, errors.count > 0 {
        // handle the errors
    } else {
        let result: CreditCardResult = transaction.creditCard
        let token = result.token
        // send the token back to your server to perform a payment transaction 

See the code documentation for SpreedlyClient for more information.

Sample App

A sample app is included in the project. To run it:

  1. Run pod install and then open SpreedlySdk.xcworkspace in XCode.
  2. If desired, update the CocoaSample/Spreedly-env.plist file to contain your Spreedly environment key to enable creation of payment methods within the sample app.
  3. Run the CocoaSample scheme.

Check Status

Spreedly Build Build
Spreedly Tests Tests
Sample App Build Sample
Lint Lint


  • Spreedly - The core library. Includes the Spreedly client and all APIs necessary for a custom integration.
  • SpreedlyCocoa - UI specific library. Includes custom controls and the Express iOS controllers.
  • UnitTests - Unit tests for Spreedly and SpreedlyCocoa.
  • IntegrationTests - Integration tests making API calls to Spreedly.
  • CocoaSample - The sample app demonstrating the custom controls and Express features.


Cirrus CI

This repository is setup to run builds, tests, and linting using Cirrus CI.


Run tests from the command line with make test or with Xcode by choosing the Spreedly scheme and running Product -> Test.

Test Coverage

The Spreedly scheme is configured to include coverage metrics with the test runs. This can be viewed within Xcode by running the tests on the Spreedly scheme, then navigating to the Report navigator and finding the Coverage report.

Test coverage metrics are also available from the command line using Slather with:

make coverage

View the coverage results locally with: To open the results locally:

open ./slather-html/index.html

A coverage report is regularly posted:


Run make lint to do a lint check locally using SwiftLint.


To build docs use:

make swiftdoc-generate
pushd .build/documentation/; python3 -m http.server; popd

Load http://localhost:8000 in your browser to see the docs.