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Preparing yadL scripts for yadU
yadL scripts refers to shell scripts that run yadL. Preparing means writing such scripts with an eye to a future requirement to be able to run the script also with yadU. There are some differences between the two - details - and it is a good idea to plan ahead, even if today you think you will not need to run your script with yadU. Of course, preparing in such a way involves careful coding and consideration for differences, ultimately more work. Hopefully, reading this page will make your coding easier and faster.
Your script should known upfront if it is running with yadL, yadU, GTK+-2 or GTK+-3, and what yad capabilities are available.
The require_yad
POSIX shell function asserts a minimum yad version, and sets some global variables to give you that information.
You can then use the global variables in conditional statements.
# setting YAD is optional - if unset it defaults to "yad"
# in POSIX shell do it this way:
export YAD="/path/to/yad"
require_yad 0 42 43
# instead in bash and zsh you can do it this way:
YAD="/path/to/yad" require_yad 0 42 43
# either way, after calling require_yad the following variables will be set:
echo "\$?=$?"
if ! require_yad 0 42 43; then
echo >&2 "yad not found or yad build too old"
case "$YAD_VER_CAP" in
'0.'*'gtk2'* ) echo "running a yadL GTK+-2 build!" ;;
'0.'*'gtk3'* ) echo "running a yadL GTK+-3 build!" ;;
'0.'* ) echo "running a yadL build!" ;;
* ) echo "running a yadU build!" ;;
require_yad () { # $1-x $2-y $3-z {{{1 => $YAD_VER_CAP = 'x y z'':gtk'('2'|'3')':'() / $YAD_STOCK_BTN = ('gtk'|'yad')
local x="${1:?}" y="${2:?}" z="${3:?}" IFS info
info="$(${YAD:-yad} --version)"
[ -n "$info" ] || return 1
# yad --version sample output (one line):
# line 1: "0.42.43 (GTK+ 3.24.31)"
set -- $info
IFS="."; set -- $1 # version x.y.z
YAD_VER_CAP="$1 $2 ${3:-0}"
case "$info" in
*'GTK+ 2'* ) YAD_VER_CAP="$YAD_VER_CAP:gtk2" ;;
*'GTK+ 3'* ) YAD_VER_CAP="$YAD_VER_CAP:gtk3" ;;
### frequently-used :capa:bili:ties that can be tricky to assess
[ \( $1 -eq 0 -a $2 -eq 42 -a ${3:-0} -ge 16 \) -o \( $1 -eq 0 -a $2 -gt 42 \) -o $1 -gt 0 ] &&
[ \( $1 -eq 0 -a $2 -eq 42 -a ${3:-0} -ge 25 \) -o \( $1 -eq 0 -a $2 -gt 42 \) -o $1 -gt 0 ] &&
YAD_VER_CAP="$YAD_VER_CAP:selectable-labels" # is present but broken in earlier versions
# for version 0.x it's --button=gtk-ok otherwise it's --button=yad-ok
[ "$1" = '0' ] && YAD_STOCK_BTN='gtk' || YAD_STOCK_BTN='yad'
[ \( $1 -eq $x -a $2 -eq $y -a ${3:-0} -ge $z \) -o \( $1 -eq $x -a $2 -gt $y \) -o $1 -gt $x ]
You need to know that while yadL still supports GTK+ stock button names (in GTK+-2 and GTK+-3 builds), yadU does not because GTK+-3 deprecated stock icons in favor of themed icons. So Yadu replaced the stock button prefix "gtk-" with its own "yad-" prefix.
Function require_yad
sets variable YAD_STOCK_BTN
with the correct prefix for the yad binary at hand.
export YAD='yad'
if ! required_yad 0 42 43 # or whatever minimum version you need
unset YAD
# handle error ...
$YAD --center --button="$YAD_STOCK_BTN-ok"
You need to read this open yadU issue and decide for yourself how it can affect your script and what to do. Make no mistake, this is not a yadL vs yadU issue, it is a GTK+-2 vs. GTK+-3 issue that frequently occurs when you move your scripts to GTK+-3 builds.
Page contents (C) 2023 step - licensed under the same terms as yadL