The concentration of metabolites in DMEM-high glucose media plus 10%FBS are converted to constraints for cancer and non-cancerous GSM models
modified Recon 3D model - 'model_final.mat'
'rxnTisMatccle_september.mat' - model_final reactions in each of the 1406 cell line contexts classified into core and non-core based on the Local T2 thresholding (
'penaltyweights.m' - code to assign weights to the model_final reactions for executing swiftcore algorithm
'ccleinformation.m' - Information about the model_final genes matched with gene expression information in CCLE database and the different contexts (cell lines) of CCLE database
'cancercode1.m' and 'cancercode2.m' to extract models using swiftcore and add suitable constraints to them. If any of the models built had zero flux through the biomass reaction, then sink reactions are added for the biomass metabolites. Refer to the file, 'biomassdemand.m' for the code.