A clean starting point for a GUI.
$ make -B
g++ -std=c++20 ... src/main.cpp -o build/main `pkg-config --libs sdl2`
$ ./build/main
- opens a transparent window
- resize the window
- notice how the center area changes with window size
to quit
$ make tags # Create a tags file for hopping and omnicompletion
$ make tags-stdout # Print human readable tags to stdout
Print hints on building, running, and generating tags:
$ make how
--- Build and Run ---
Vim shortcut Vim command line (approximate)
------------ ------------------------------
Build ;<Space> :make -B <if(error)> :copen
Run ;r<Space> :!./build/main
Run in Vim ;w<Space> :!./build/main <args> &
Make tags ;t<Space> :make tags
Print tags ;ts<Space> :make tags-stdout