UPDATES as of 11-20-2013
Install these python packages: web whoosh
- search bar added
- could add second search field for types of programs [ program types field] [ location field ] [GO BUTTON]
- could make this main search function and add link below search field for category search page option
lower priority for next deadline -->
- add background image
- add link to featured program/addfeed?
- put "about" info on same page but further down (like in paper prototype)
- ideally should have 10 results per page, but first approve current presentation
- add pics back to programs? (never received clear yes/no)
this is still in progress to add: - tab sub nav for alternating between photo and map view; design example: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/440817 bootstrap snippet: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tabs (see toggable section) - photo thumbnails under main image to offer aditional context - session info: title, dates, current (and upcoming?) times; - suggestion: select session details via dropdown, which then auto-populates in subject heading of info request email sent to provider - contact info for provider - reviews
current image specs: - full size img width is 640 px (2/3 of 960 grid) - provider profile pic is 64 px x 64 px