yolo-custom-object-detector Public
Making custom object detector using Yolo (Java and Python)
LiteSeg Public
Pytorch implementation for LiteSeg
Real time Face Detection using OpenCV with Java
Receive data from PIC or Arduino to PC through Serial Port using C#
Control Raspberry Pi's GPIO Pins through Internet and LAN
Send data from PC to PIC or Arduino through Serial Port using C#
jdlib Public
Jdlib a Java Wrapper For dlib
sleep-detection Public
Realtime driver drowsiness detection (Sleep detection) using facial landmarks
weakly-supervised-detection Public
Weakly Supervised Object Detection In Practice
Efficient-PyTorch Public
Forked from Lyken17/Efficient-PyTorchMy best practice of training large dataset using PyTorch.
Python UpdatedMay 11, 2019 -
Multi-Threaded Matrix Multiplication
javacv Public
Forked from bytedeco/javacvJava interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and more
real-time-sudoku-solver Public
Real-time Sudoku Solver using Opencv and Deeplearning4j
Object Recognition using TensorFlow and Java
Arabic Handwritten Characters Recognition using Deeplearning4j
IOT with Raspberry PI and Android ( control LEDs remotely )
Real-time Distance Measurement Using Single Image
Handwritten Multi-digit String Segmentation and Recognition using Deep Learning.
Iris dataset clustering using Self-Organizing Maps
dlib-model-evaluation Public
Dlib's face recognition model evaluation on LFW dataset
raspberry-pi-mp3-player Public
Implementation of MP3 player with usb flash drive using Raspberry Pi
weka-example Public
How to use Weka in your Java code?
Handwritten digit classification using K-nearest neighbor algorithm in octave
Implementation of classical encryption algorithms in Java
Java UpdatedMar 23, 2017 -
secure-voice-chat Public
End-to-End Voice Encryption between Raspberry Pi and PC using AES
organize-chaos-in-hrad-disk Public
Suggested folder structure to organize chaos in hard disk scpecially for developer
UpdatedNov 6, 2015 -