No breaking changes.
The main feature for 1.1 is proper handling of relative links.
The rest is infrastructure improvements and keeping up with new releases in third-party dependencies.
What's Changed
Kevin Guillaumond (4):
infra: Run pre-commit on CircleCI (#13)
infra: Add test framework and some tests (#14)
docs: Add suggested config to enable manual runs (#17)
feat: Handle relative links properly (#20)
renovate[bot] (5):
Update dependency atlassian-python-api to v3.22.0 (#4)
Update dependency atlassian-python-api to v3.23.0 (#12)
Update dependency pypandoc to v1.8 (#3)
Update dependency atlassian-python-api to v3.25.0 (#16)
Update dependency pypandoc to v1.8.1 (#15)
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1