Keynotes from big names of the industry
- Black hole image reconstruction Katie Bouman, Caltech
- Creator of Scikit Gaël Varoquaux, RIA
Notes from sessions I attended
- Dynamic Partition pruning Bogdan Ghit + Juliusz Sompolski, Databricks
- Extend new data sources in Spark SQL Jacek Laskowski
- Feature factory Daniel Tomes, Databricks
- Graph features in Spark3 Mats Rydberg + Max Kießling, Neo4J
- Koalas, Spark with Pandas syntax Tim Hunter + Takuya Ueshin, creators of Koalas, Databricks
- Optimising Spark in practice Daniel Tomes, Resident Solutions
- Scaling Markov Decision Process Justin Brandenburg, Databricks
- Streaming Ittai Yaffe, Nielsen