FMP is fast mathematical expression parser/evaluator for C++. FMP can operate not only floating point and integer but also string, vector and matrix in a single expression, but its performance is comparable to the other parser libraries.
ADAPT-FMP requires Eigen linear algebra library and C++17.
#include <ADAPT/FMP/FastMathParser.h>
using namespace adapt;
using namespace adapt::fmp;
using namespace adapt::fmp::lit;
int main()
std::string expr = "25*x^5 - 35*x^4 - 15*x^3 + 40*x^2 - 15*x + 1";
double x;
double r0 = 0;
double r1 = 1;
double delta = 1 / 100.0;
FastMathParser f(expr, { "x"_a = &x });
for (x = r0; x <= r1; x += delta)
printf("%19.15f\t%19.15f\n", x, f.Flt());
std::string expr1 = "sqrt(dot(xy, xy))";
std::string expr2 = "atan2(xy[1], xy[0])";
Eigen::VectorXd xy(2); xy << 1., 1.;
FastMathParser r(expr1, { "xy"_a = &xy });
FastMathParser t(expr2, { "xy"_a = &xy });
for (double theta = 0; theta < 1.; theta += 0.01)
xy[0] = cos(theta);
xy[1] = sin(theta);
printf("r = %lf, t = %lf\n", r.Flt(), t.Flt());
std::string expr = "mat2(vec2(cos(pi * t), -sin(pi * t)), vec2(sin(pi * t), cos(pi * t)))*v + vec2(0.1, 0.5)";
double theta;
Eigen::VectorXd v(2);
FastMathParser aff(expr, { "t"_a = &theta, "v"_a = &v }, { "pi"_c = 3.1415926535897932});
for (double x = 0; x < 1; x += 0.1)
for (double y = 0; y < 1; y += 0.1)
for (theta = 0; theta < 1; theta += 0.05)
v[0] = x, v[1] = y;
const Eigen::VectorXd& res = aff.Vec();
printf("(%8.5lf, %8.5lf) -> (%8.5lf, %8.5lf)\n", x, y, res[0], res[1]);
return 0;
- signed 64bit integer(int64_t)
- 64bit floating point(double)
- floating point vector(Eigen::VectorXd)
- floating point matrix(Eigen::MatrixXd)
- std::string
sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, exp, square, cube, sqrt, cbrt, ceil, floor, int, float, abs, ln, log10, abs
len ... returns length of string.
transpose ... returns transpose of a matrix.
atan2 ... atan2(a, b) returns arc tangent of a / b [-pi, pi].
log2 ... log2(a, b) returns log of a to base b.
min, max
vec2 ... vec2(a, b) returns a 2 dimensional vector with components [a, b].
mat2 ... requires 2 vectors with same dimension. If N dimensional vectors [a0, a1, ..., aN] [b0, b1, ..., bN] are given to this function, it returns N x 2 matrix with components [ [a0, b0], [a1, b1], ..., [aN, bN] ].
dot ... returns inner product.
cross ... returns outer product.
if ... if(a, b, c) returns b if a != 0, otherwise c. "a" must be an integer.
vec3 ... 3 dimensionnal version of vec2.
mat3 ... N x 3 version of mat2.
- !
^ ... a ^ b returns a to the power of b.
* / %
+ -
< <= > >=
== !=
&& ||
a[b] ... returns the b-th element from vector/string a.
a[b, c] ... returns the element of b-th row of column c from matrix a.
Lemon/re2c are used as parser/lexer generator, and python to generate C++ code not including too many templates which make compiling heavy.