This is a simple chessboard for human v human. It doesn't do anything fancy like block illegal moves. You can drag pieces wherever you wish. Take a piece by placing it on top of an opponent's piece.
- resizing the window scales the game artwork
- last move indicated by a highlighted square
- undo/redo history contains the entire game
- display captured pieces
- pawn promotion
- mouse - left-click drag to move pieces
- u - undo a move
- r - redo a move
- TAB - toggle debug overlay
- q - promote to queen
- c - promote to rook
- b - promote to bishop
- k - promote to knight
Windows, install MSYS. Install packages for make
, gcc
, and ctags
make m
$ ./m.exe
Install MSYS packages for SDL2
, SDL2_image
, and SDL2_ttf
I use the same work flow on that project.