DataMesh is an Elixir library providing a framework for data processing in distributed systems. It allows you to create a network of processing nodes where each node can receive, process, and forward data to connected nodes.
DataMesh is built around the concept of small, focused processing units (DataNodes) that can be freely connected to form sophisticated data processing networks. This approach follows several key principles:
Each DataNode implements a specific processing logic encapsulated in its NodeLogic. This separation allows you to build complex processing workflows from simple, reusable components. The processing logic is completely separated from the mechanics of data distribution and node management.
DataMesh supports both broadcast-style communication to all connected nodes and targeted sending to specific nodes. This flexibility allows for implementing various patterns like pipelines, fan-out, aggregation, or complex routing scenarios. Nodes can be connected and disconnected at runtime, enabling dynamic reconfiguration of the processing network.
Each DataNode maintains its own state, initialized and updated through its NodeLogic. This local state management allows nodes to accumulate data, maintain configuration, or keep processing context without affecting other nodes. The state is isolated and can only be modified through the node's processing logic.
Nodes are identified by arbitrary terms and managed through a central registry. This abstraction allows for flexible deployment patterns and makes it possible to distribute nodes across different processes or even machines (within an Erlang cluster) without changing the processing logic.
While the core concepts are straightforward - nodes, connections, and data flow - they can be combined to create sophisticated processing networks. The library focuses on providing the essential building blocks while leaving the implementation of specific processing logic to the application layer.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding datamesh
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:datamesh, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
# Start nodes
DataMesh.start_node(:source, MyApp.SourceLogic, [])
DataMesh.start_node(:filter, MyApp.FilterLogic, [threshold: 10])
DataMesh.start_node(:sink, MyApp.SinkLogic, [])
# Connect nodes
DataMesh.connect(:source, :filter)
DataMesh.connect(:filter, :sink)
# Send data
DataMesh.trigger_data(:source, sensor_data)
defmodule MyApp.FilterLogic do
@behaviour NodeLogic
def init(args) do
threshold = Keyword.get(args, :threshold, 0)
{:ok, %{threshold: threshold}}
def process(data, state, broadcast) do
if data > state.threshold do
{:ok, state}
Your NodeLogic implementation can:
- Use the broadcast function to send data to all connected nodes
- Use
to send data to specific nodes - Maintain state between processing calls
Nodes can be identified by any term, not just atoms:
DataMesh.start_node(:atom_id, MyLogic, [])
DataMesh.start_node("string_id", MyLogic, [])
DataMesh.start_node({:complex, "id"}, MyLogic, [])
When using DataMesh in your application:
- Put your custom NodeLogic implementations in your application structure:
- Start your nodes either in your application startup or where needed in your business logic.
This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.