- 🏡 Vietnam / New Orleans, LA
- 🙋🏻♀️ Pronouns: She/Her
- 🇻🇳 Vietnamese
- 🎓 Notre Dame'24 B.S. in Computer Science
- Posse Foundation Full-Tuition Leadership Scholarship (2020 – 2024)
- Cum Laude Latin Honor (GPA: 3.91/4.00)
- 🎓 Notre Dame'25 M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering
- Dean's Fellowship 2024
- 💻 Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Visualization
- 🐾 Origami!
- Neural Network
- Optimzation in Machine Learning
- Computer Vision
- Data Visualization
- Advanced Machine Learning
- Complexity and Algorithms
- Statistical Methods and Data Analysis
- Scientific Computing Python
- Discrete Mathematics
- Data Structures
- Logic Design
- System Programming
- Computer Architecture
- Theory of Computing
- Probability and Statistics
- Programming Paradigms
- Programming Challenges
- Operating System Principle
- Computer Security
- Modern Web Development
- Data Science
- Machine Learning (Deep Learning AI, Stanford)
- Compilers and Language Design
- Design/Analysis of Algorithms
- Natural Language Processing
- 🌱 Notre Dame Silicon Valley Semester (Spring 2023)
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]