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OpenStack Ironic Python Agent

This is an experiment using Buildroot to create a small, custom Ironic Python Agent image for OpenStack.

Feedback is most welcome!

How the build works

Buildroot is a popular open source tool for building embedded Linux systems. It supports many popular (and generic) platforms, however it can also be extended to support third party platforms.

We will track a stable version of Buildroot, and create an extra set of configs to support our own platform.

Then we will simply tell Buildroot where these extra configs are so that we can build our own Ironic Python Agent images.

The build is done as a regular user, not as root.

Directory structure

Inside this main ipa-buildroot repository will be directories which are used to build your images.

Directory Description
buildroot Upstream Buildroot source code Git submodule
buildroot-ipa Ironic Python Agent image configurations for Buildroot
ccache Directory for storing ccache files to speed up subsequent builds
dl Cache directory for downloaded source code tarballs
doc Files for documentation, including screenshots
output Output directory for build
overlay For users to include own files into the target image
scripts For users to run own scripts when building the image

We will export variables later to help use these.

Getting Buildroot

This Git repository (ipa-buildroot) contains our configuration files for building the IPA image (in the buildroot-ipa subdirectory).

This repo also uses a Git submodule to pull in a stable release of the upstream Buildroot Git repository for us to build against (in the buildroot subdirectory).

We shouldn't modify anything in the upstream Buildroot repository, but rather put any changes in our own configuration space under buildroot-ipa.

Git clone

Clone this ipa-buildroot repo into your home directory, adding the --recursive option to also pull in the upstream Buildroot Git repo.

cd ~
git clone --recursive

Alternatively, if you have already cloned this ipa-buildroot repository on its own, you can pull in the upstream Buildroot Git submodule manually.

cd ~/ipa-buildroot/
git submodule init
git submodule update

Now you should have both of the Git repos required to build an image!

Build dependencies

For additional details on build dependencies, see the relevant Buildroot documentation.


Something like this should be about right.

sudo dnf install bash bc binutils bison bzip2 cmake cpio \
flex gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel glibc-devel.i686 glibc-headers.i686 \
gzip make ncurses-devel patch perl python redhat-lsb.i686 rsync \
sed tar texinfo unzip wget which

Install tools for downloading source.

sudo dnf install bzr cvs git mercurial rsync subversion

Install deps for busybox menuconfig.

sudo dnf install 'perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)' 'perl(Thread::Queue)'


Something like this should be about right.

sudo apt-get install bc build-essential libncurses5-dev libc6:i386 texinfo unzip

Install tools for downloading source.

sudo apt-get install bzr cvs git mercurial rsync subversion

Building the image

Buildroot makes use of environment variables and it can make our life easier, too.

In the next steps we're going to export the following variables.

Variable Description Used by
BR2_IPA_REPO Where this ipa-buildroot Git repo was cloned, e.g. ~/ipa-buildroot Shell
BR2_UPSTREAM Where upstream Buildroot Git submodule was cloned, e.g. ~/ipa-buildroot/buildroot Shell
BR2_EXTERNAL Ironic Python Agent Buildroot configs, e.g. ~/ipa-buildroot/buildroot-ipa Buildroot
BR2_OUTPUT_DIR Where Buildroot conducts builds and saves built images, e.g. ~/ipa-buildroot/output Shell

Step 1 - Exporting variables

First, let's export the location of this cloned ipa-buildroot Git repo, as other variables will be relative to it.

Substitute this directory as appropriate, based on where you cloned this repo.

export BR2_IPA_REPO="${HOME}/ipa-buildroot"

Set the location of the upstream Buildroot code.

export BR2_UPSTREAM="${BR2_IPA_REPO}/buildroot"

Let's export the BR2_EXTERNAL variable to tell Buildroot where the IPA specific configs are inside the cloned ipa-buildroot Git repository, so that it can find our IPA specific customisations. Without this, Buildroot will not include our IPA configs and won't be able to build our image.

export BR2_EXTERNAL="${BR2_IPA_REPO}/buildroot-ipa"

Step 2 - Preparing the output directory

We will utilise Buildroot's out-of-tree support and build in the existing output dir inside the top level of our ipa-buildroot Git repository.

Note that the output directory will be ignored by Git.

export BR2_OUTPUT_DIR="${BR2_IPA_REPO}/output"

Alternatively, specify a unique output dir if you need to perform concurrent builds.

export BR2_OUTPUT_DIR="$(mktemp -d -p ${BR2_IPA_REPO}/output \
-t "$(date +%s)-XXXXXX")"

Now you should be able to list all of the available Buildroot configs from inside the output directory.

cd "${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}"
make -C "${BR2_UPSTREAM}" list-defconfigs

If this worked, you should see the IPA build listed under "External configs."

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Step 3 - Loading the Buildroot configuration

Now you can load the default IPA config that you saw above. Note that we specify the output directory (O=) and the change directory (-C) options to make use if out-of-tree builds.

cd "${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}"
make O="${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}" -C "${BR2_UPSTREAM}" openstack_ipa_defconfig

Note: From now on you do not need to specify the output directory (O=) and change to source directory (-C) options. After the first time, Buildroot will write a configuration file in the output directory and remember automatically in the future.

Step 4 - Making changes to Buildroot configuration

Note: This step is entirely optional, however you may wish to perform the following:

Now that you have loaded the configuration file, you have the opportunity to make any changes you might need.

There are three main components you may want to configure.

  • Buildroot itself
    • System details
      • Enable root login
      • Set root password
    • Compiler
    • Target packages
    • Image formats
    • External options
      • Version of IPA
  • Busybox
    • Packages to include
  • Linux kernel
    • Features
    • Hardware support

See the Making changes section below for details and examples.

Step 5 - Building the image

Finally, make the image!

Note: You should not use -j option with make, it is set in the config and determined automatically. Specifying -j here may cause Buildroot components to be built out of order, causing a failure.


A successful build should create both a bzImage Linux kernel image and the IPA rootfs.cpio.xz initramfs in the ${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}/images directory.

Testing the image

You can test the kernel and initramfs images in QEMU.

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-enable-kvm \
-cpu host \
-m 1G \
-kernel images/bzImage \
-append earlyprintk \
-initrd images/rootfs.cpio.xz \
-netdev user,id=net0 \
-device e1000,netdev=net0

You should see a login prompt, however note that root login is disabled by default. See Setting root password and/or Adding SSH keys below on how to enable these if you require them.

The Python packages for IPA should have been installed and the daemon should be running on port 9999.

Note that you may want to use different QEMU networking settings than user above if you want to access IPA on your network. If you have virt-manager, you can easily boot up the kernel and initramfs using its graphical interface.

Making changes

This assumes you have already loaded the openstack_ipa_defconfig as per the Building the image section above and are ready to modify it (you do not need to have built anything yet).

Changes can be made directly via the various .config files, but it is better to use the graphical menu tools to make changes which will write to the .config files.

Any changes that you make will be in the output directory, not in the main Git repositories. To save your changes, see the Saving changes section below.

Configuration files are in the following locations:

Component Location
Buildroot ${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}/.config
Busybox ${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}/build/busybox-[version]/.config
Linux ${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}/build/linux-[version]/.config

Making changes to Buildroot

The main Buildroot configuration specifies many core components of the target system, such as architecture, toolchain and build options, system options and settings, kernel and config, packages to build, images to create, bootloader support and more.

It is also where we will make the most common changes, such as:

  • Enabling and setting a password for the root account
  • Add/override any files in the target image, like SSH keys
  • Changing download and cache build directory locations

To make changes, you can modify the options directly in the .config file and then run make oldconfig or you can use the menu (recommended).

make menuconfig

You should be greeted with a configuration menu.

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Navigate by pressing the arrow keys and select using <Enter> or <Space bar>.

Note: You can get help for any option by navigating across to < Help > option and hitting <Enter>.

The < Help > on the main screen presents the README which explains how the options work.

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Hitting the forward slash (/) key will let you search for any option in Buildroot and go directly to it by pressing the corresponding number.

In the example below, we searched for python and pressing 8 would take us straight to the Python target package.

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Setting the IPA version

The Ironic Python Agent and dependencies are created by the script.

It uses pip to automatically create wheels based on the provided requirements.txt from the upstream OpenStack Ironic Python Agent project as well as the upper-constraints.txt from the OpenStack Requirements project.

There are two config options in Buildroot to set the Git version of these repos so that you can build for multiple OpenStack releases.

Config option Purpose
OPENSTACK_IPA_GIT_URL Setting the Git URL for Ironic Python Agent (defaults to upstream)
OPENSTACK_IPA_RELEASE Setting the Git commit/tag/branch from Ironic Python Agent repo for fetching requirements.txt (defaults to master)
OPENSTACK_REQUIREMENTS_GIT_URL Setting the Git URL for OpenStack Requirements repo (defaults to upstream)
OPENSTACK_REQUIREMENTS_RELEASE Setting the Git commit/tag/branch from Requirements repo for fetching upper-constraints.txt (defaults to master)

If you want to build from the master branches on upstream repositories, then you do not have to change anything.

If you want to build another branch and/or from another repository, then change accordingly. Note that local paths are supported, e.g. /home/csmart/ironic-python-agent

If you want to fetch HEAD (in case of local repository) or the default remote branch, then don't specify anything for the Git release value.

To set these to a specific Git repo, tag or branch, under menuconfig browse to External options (at the very bottom).

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In the sub menu, you should see the options mentioned above. Simply enter the details you wish to use.

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Save and exit menuconfig. The next time make is run, Buildroot will re-clone from the specified Git repositories and build the IPA version for the target using the specified Git commit/tag/branch.

Adding users

Only the root user is configured, although login is disabled by default and there is no password.

If you need to add another user, Buildroot supports this via a file which contains a list of users, specified at BR2_ROOTFS_USERS_TABLES option.

See their online documentation on adding custom user accounts if you need to make use of this.

Setting root password

The default configuration does not allow root login and there is no password configured.

To enable the root account and set a password, navigate to the System configuration menu and hit <Enter>.

System configuration  --->

Navigate down to the login option and enable it with <Space bar>.

[*] Enable root login with password

This will enable a sub-option for specifying the password.

() Root password

Hitting <Enter> on this option will open a free form text field for you to enter the password.

Using a hashed password

The password will be saved in plain text inside the .config file, so it is probably best to use a hash of a password.

Specifying sha256 hashed passwords must be prefixed with $5$ like so:

  • $5$salt$Gcm6FsVtF/Qa77ZKD.iwsJlCVPY0XSMgLJL0Hnww/c1

However, all instances of $ in the hashed password must be doubled, so it becomes:

  • $$5$$salt$$Gcm6FsVtF/Qa77ZKD.iwsJlCVPY0XSMgLJL0Hnww/c1

You can generate a fully compliant password like follows (note that you should replace salt with some other string and password with the password you want to use).

python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("password", "$5$random_salt")' \
|sed 's|\$|\$\$|g'

Then set this in the free text password field.

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Using filesystem overlays

You can add or replace any file on the target system using an overlay. These files should still be owned by your user, there is no need to change ownership to root.

The IPA board already has an overlay to copy in important files such as systemd init scripts to start IPA. This is located at:

  • ${BR2_EXTERNAL}/board/openstack/ipa/rootfs-overlay/

A second overlay is preconfigured (which is not tracked by Git) for users to add files to. It is located in the overlay directory in the top level ipa-buildroot Git repository at:

  • ${BR2_IPA_REPO}/overlay/

The configuration option which specifies both of these locations is BR2_ROOTFS_OVERLAY.

In order to make use of the overlay, simply add files and directories to the overlay at ${BR2_IPA_REPO}/overlay/ and they will be copied into the target filesystem at build time.

Note: The following files and directories are ignored and will not be copied into the target.

  • Directories like .git .svn and .hg
  • Files called .empty
  • Files ending in ~

Adding SSH keys

Note that by default, the SSH server does not allow login by root at all. The script currently sets PermitRootLogin prohibit-password in sshd_config if it detects that root has an authorized_keys file. This is done for convenience so that login will work out of the box.

However, ultimately it's probably better to provide your own complete sshd_config in the overlay with the configuration options you require.

The easiest way to add SSH keys is with an overlay, see Using filesystem overlays.

Create the required root directory structure.

mkdir -p ${BR2_IPA_REPO}/overlay/{etc/ssh,root/.ssh}

Any keys and configs for root should go under:

  • ${BR2_IPA_REPO}/overlay/root/.ssh

If you have pre-generated host keys, then place these under:

  • ${BR2_IPA_REPO}/overlay/etc/ssh/

If you wish to override the default sshd_config then you can also do so by playing it at.

  • ${BR2_IPA_REPO}/overlay/etc/ssh/sshd_config

Note: Permissions are very important for SSH, so the script will ensure that these are set correctly.

Making changes to Busybox

The busybox config is very minimal, however you may find that you want to add (or remove) some of the packages that it offers.

You can use a menuconfig to make any changes you want (note this may do some downloading and extracting first).

make busybox-menuconfig

Be sure to save your changes when you exit menuconfig and see Saving changes if you want to add them permanently to Git.

Making changes to the Linux kernel

The Linux kernel was made from scratch using tiny-config and is deliberately very limited in the amount of hardware it supports. Having said that, it is also designed to support a wide range of server grade hardware.

The idea is to add support for hardware as we encounter it, so please file a bug report if some essential support is missing.

If you need to make any Linux kernel configuration changes, you can use the menuconfig (note this may do some downloading, extracting and building first).

make linux-menuconfig

Be sure to save your changes when you exit menuconfig and see Saving changes if you want to add them permanently to Git.


Buildroot makes use of stamp files to track the state of the build. These are located in the package build directories under ${BR2_OUTPUT_DIR}/build/.

In most cases you can tweak the Buildroot configuration and then just re-run make to get updated images.

However, if you are making changes to a package which was already built, Buildroot will not re-build it as the stamps say it is already been done.

In such a case, you can remove the stamp file (or entire package build directory) and try again.

rm ./build/python-2.7.13/.stamp_built

You can also tell Buildroot to only build a specific package if you just want to test rebuilding one package at a time.

make python

Saving changes

If you made changes to the Buildroot, Linux kernel or Busybox configs, you can save them over the top of the existing configs in the IPA buildroot repo.

make savedefconfig
make linux-savedefconfig && make linux-update-defconfig
make busybox-update-config

Then back in the ipa-buildroot repository you can use Git to review/commit them.


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  • Shell 99.4%
  • Makefile 0.6%