Nested loops syntactic sugar
collection = [1, 2, 3]
for i in collection, j in collection
print(i, j)
# 11 12 13
# 21 22 23
# 31 32 33
Local variable that can be used as a Walrus operator
if (local foo = 1) > 0
# 1
count(el -> Bool, collection) and probably more useful collection utilities
count(i -> (4 β€ i β€ 6), [2,3,4,5,6])
# 3
Function composition
Function composition
# β \circ<tab>
(sqrt β +)(3, 6) # -> 3.0
β(sqrt, +)(3, 6) # -> 3.0
# Multiple functions
square = x -> x^2
β(sqrt, square, sqrt, square)(32) # -> 32.00000000000001
Unpacking list of arguments
arguments = [sqrt, square, sqrt, square]
β(arguments...)(32) # -> 32.00000000000001
square = x -> x^2
increment = x -> x+1
5 |> increment |> square |> print # -> 36
# Elementwise application
numbers = [1, 2, 3]
numbers .|> increment .|> square # -> [4, 9 ,16]
# Equivalent to
map(x -> x |> increment |> square, numbers)
Measuring the execution time
@time begin